KIX LAC Webinar: Teacher professional development in Latin America and the Caribbean.

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SUMMA (the first Laboratory for Research and Innovation in Education for Latin America and the Caribbean) and the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) held the KIX LAC webinar of the KIX regional hub led by both organizations.

The event aimed to analyze in depth the challenges of teacher education in the region, a topic introduced in the first KIX Conversation that took place on October 22, 2020 with the presentation of the Vice Minister of Education of Honduras, PhD. Gloria Menjívar.

Moderated by Ivana Zacarias, KIX LAC researcher, Dr. Denise Vaillant (ORT Uruguay) and Rafer Gordon (OECS Education Specialist) participated in a conversation that focused on the specific challenge of teacher professional development in Latin America and the Caribbean.
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