Elizabeth (Jack, Lucas & Nathan) || Holding On and Letting Go

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You can find all the information you need about the song at the end of the video!
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Wow, this edit took a while to make, it's a little spotty in parts with a lot going on. Although it's not my best work I hope you enjoy (there was so much to include).
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Show: When Calls the Heart
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#fanvidfeed #whencallstheheart #elizabethandjack #lucabeth #elizabethandlucas #elizabethandnathan #hearties
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Amazing job! It sumarized all her feelings


What a perfect job of showing the development of Elizabeth's relationships from her true love with Jack, Nathan's sense of duty and obligation to take care of her out of his guilt about Jack replacing him on the exercise that took Jack's life to Lucas knowing the perfect woman for him and waiting as long as it took to win her heart. Looking forward to Season 9 and the Hope Valley stories about all of our favorite characters.


Shell never forget Jack, but I really believe Nathan can make her happy !
He loves her, you can see it in his eyes when he sees her,


That was beautifully done. Thank you for blessing us.


So beautifully done...the song, the pictures & the voices. Gives us a true feeling of the turmoil our Elizabeth's heart went through. She can now keep Jack tucked lovingly in her heart, she truly believes she loves Nathan as only a friend & Lucas is her True Love that she wants to build a life with for her & little Jack. Also, Lucas believes she has found him to be her True Love. Thanks again for this GREAT Video. 🥰👏👏


Beautiful video ! Lucabeth kisses still give me butterflies I love every moment of them finally showing how they both feel! Job well done 💞


Love the edit and song choice! Well done!


You just made me SOB.

This is so beautiful. 😭


Ok. This was an incredible video! I loved it!💕💕


This is well put together. Lovely. I always thought Elizabeth and Lucas had the more depth as in more connect over most aspect of interests and life and the the spark and attraction from the beginning and challenge each other. And importantly respecting and understanding Elizabeth. Patiently waiting for her. Also knowing J/E - mountie and teacher love story is still preserved.


This is beautiful -- you did a fabulous job. I was a Lucas and Elizabeth fan from their very first meeting. Now that Elizabeth chose Lucas, I can't wait to watch their relationship grow and move forward without Monty Nathan in the way. So many great scenes ahead I'm sure.
Anxiously waiting for Season.9.


Esse vídeo dela no cemitério é de cortar o coração ❤️ ela lendo a carta e chorando 😢, sempre que vejo dá vontade de chorar, é muito penoso. Sou uma bisavó chorona.


I can't get enough of Lucas and Elizabeth💗 They are adorable, Lucas is Prince Charming, Elizabeth totally deserves him


We need an updated video edit. Jack was a season, Lucas was a reason- Elizabeth was trying to find a safe, comfortable, uncomplicated love to protect herself & her heart. In the end E realized when L was running for governor that he was no longer safe; L was unsafe because E didn't want to move to CC. She also wanted to raise J Jr. in HV. Plus when Nathan as a friend confronted Elizabeth at the church/school house asking Elizabeth, "Elizabeth, what do you want?" I think this was the beginning after Nathan left of Elizabeth looking examining her heart & realizing she had buried her true feelings for Nathan because she had been afraid, terrified of a relationship with him. So, like physically burying her late husband, Jack her first great love in S5 Elizabeth buried her true feelings for Nathan not wanting another great love too terrified of losing a second great love, Nathan. So, then Elizabeth admitted to Rosemary that Lucas was a safe, comfortable relationship, but it wasn't a great love like what she had with Jack. So, Elizabeth broke up with Lucas. So unfortunately Elizabeth ended up hurting two men with her actions. Nathan in S8. 💔 Then Lucas in S10. 💔 Elizabeth's struggle & decision making was made out of fear to be with Lucas as he was an uncomplicated relationship. He reminded her of her childhood home in Hamilton & that was familiar & comfortable. In the end, it wasn't what Elizabeth wanted. So L& E's relationship ended. Poor Lucas. 💔 Now in S11, while Elizabeth has fears she will always struggle with with regards to possibly losing another great love, she is ready to not let some natural feelings of being afraid sometimes control her decision making anymore. She is putting things into perspective. She is ready to take the risk with Nathan, but takes is slowly as she still processes everything. So, S11 was a gentle, "Love Comes Softly" storyline & romance for Elizabeth & Nathan's love story. It was a transition season. Nathan & Elizabeth's relationship transitioning from what is was a friendship ( because before E had been dating L then E broke up with L & N& E had to figure out where they stood with each other; what they meant to each other) to a romantic relationship. This was a slow process as the friendship went from a solid, strong, friendship, & connection, + love to a solid, strong, romance, + deep, true love & romantic relationship. Nathan is Elizabeth's second great love & her Lifetime Love. (assuming nothing happens to N in the line of duty *which I'm sure KM & EK signed a long term contract for WCTH w/Hallmark before the writers put N& E together. HM doesn't want a repeat of Dan & having to k*ll of a character N or E* )
AND nothing happens to E or N with their health & they live until they are both old & N retired from the mounties & E retires from teaching) So, yes I see Nathan as Elizabeth's Lifetime Love. There is a reason the writers emphasized instincts so much throughout S6-S11. ❤ 😊 Nathan's first instincts had been right. Elizabeth did love him when Nathan said in S8, episode 2 "Elizabeth, I know you feel the same way too." after he declared he was in love with her. I love this show & all the crazy twist & turns. 😂 Also, Lucas mysterious past came back into play at the end of S10 & all of S11. The mounties instincts their first instincts in S6 & S7 were right about Lucas he was mysterious with his past. Lucas was hiding something. I'm glad they brought that back as Chris McNally plays that role Lucas as a mysterious man. I love Lucas as governor now! I love that Erin Krakow & Kevin McGarry get to show Elizabeth & Nathan deeply in love with this beautiful love story. I can't wait to see where Lucas' story as governor goes with him working in CC. This opens up so much story possibilities for CM's character Lucas. I love the direction of the show. Erin Krakow, Kevin McGarry, & Chris McNally are great actors. S11 was awesome & I can't wait until S12! The whole cast rocks really. I loved retired mountie Bill & newspaper reporter Rosemary's story in S11 with the unofficial case they were looking into with regards to who sh*t Lucas. It was great! 😊


omg got to the kiss and freaked out on the verge of crying!! this edit is perfect i cant with it all the voice overs were amazing fit it and everything!! thank you this is done so


This song really speaks to me and I can't stop watching it. All the way back to pre-season 7, I had truly believed that the actual true conflict for Elizabeth wasn't Lucas vs Nathan, but holding on to Jack, his memory and what might have been with him vs letting go of Jack and letting herself love someone new (which I always thought was Lucas). This video really captures that perfectly. 😍😍😍


I loved this edit for this beautiful love story. Wonderfully done!


Amazing video! Can't wait to see Lucas And Elizabeth in season 9. Chris plays Lucas character so we'll.


Sooo good. <3 I've been wanting to do an edit with all 3 guys, but this one is so good I don't think I'll bother. :)


When Lucas say that Elizabeth needs to find her true love, she already had her true love and that was Jack. You usually only have one true love! I miss Jack and the show has not been the same since he has left.
