Fix There is a problem w/ the proxy server’s security certificate error in Outlook on Windows

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Here's how to Fix There is a problem w/ the proxy server’s security certificate error in Outlook on Windows 11/10.
3/27/2023 added: There are a few things you can do:
1. **Check the proxy server's certificate**. Make sure that the proxy server's certificate is valid and that it is issued by a trusted certificate authority. You can check the certificate by going to the proxy server's settings and looking for the "Certificate" tab.
2. **Update the proxy server's certificate**. If the proxy server's certificate is expired, you will need to update it with a new certificate. You can do this by contacting the proxy server's administrator.
3. **Disable the proxy server**. If you are not using the proxy server, you can disable it. This will prevent Outlook from trying to connect to the proxy server and getting the error message.
4. **Use a different proxy server**. If the proxy server you are using is not working, you can try using a different proxy server. There are many different proxy servers available, so you should be able to find one that works for you.
If you are still having trouble, you can contact Microsoft support for help.
3/27/2023 added: There are a few things you can do:
1. **Check the proxy server's certificate**. Make sure that the proxy server's certificate is valid and that it is issued by a trusted certificate authority. You can check the certificate by going to the proxy server's settings and looking for the "Certificate" tab.
2. **Update the proxy server's certificate**. If the proxy server's certificate is expired, you will need to update it with a new certificate. You can do this by contacting the proxy server's administrator.
3. **Disable the proxy server**. If you are not using the proxy server, you can disable it. This will prevent Outlook from trying to connect to the proxy server and getting the error message.
4. **Use a different proxy server**. If the proxy server you are using is not working, you can try using a different proxy server. There are many different proxy servers available, so you should be able to find one that works for you.
If you are still having trouble, you can contact Microsoft support for help.