What is a vowel

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Have you ever wondered 'what is a vowel'? Have you ever wished that you knew how to pronounce vowels in English accurately?

Well, in this video, I'll show you exactly what a vowel is and how you can start to master vowel pronunciation. So here we go...

In terms of the English language, I'm sure you know that there are 5 vowel letters: a, e, i, o and u. But in terms of pronunciation there are actually 25 vowel sounds.

Now, a good vowel definition, in terms of pronunciation, is that the articulators hold a shape but they don't actually touch. Before I give you an example, just to clarify that the articulators are the tongue, teeth, lips, and hard and soft palate. So, for example: the ar vowel sound, in words like bath', 'sergeant' and 'alarm' is made with the tongue low in the mouth and the lips are relaxed open but nothing actually touches - ar. The ee vowel sound, in words like 'police', 'me', and 'meeting' the tongue is high and forward in the front of the mouth and the lips are spread, but nothing actually touches - ee. And the oo vowel sound, in words like 'who', 'shoe' and 'move' the lips are rounded and the back of the tongue high but again nothing actually touches, the articulators just hold a shape.

So to answer your question, 'what are vowels', a good way to define vowel sounds is that they are sounds that are made with the articulators holding a shape but not actually touching. This is very different to consonants so if you want to know the difference between vowels and consonants I'll be posting a video about 'what is a consonant' right here next Tuesday 12th July 2016 at 8.30pm GMT (Local London Time). And if you're watching this video after that date, then click here at the end of this video and it'll take you to that video.

Now, if you want to learn how to pronounce vowel sounds then click here and watch another video about how to pronounce 5 of the most commonly mispronounced vowel sounds. They are just 3 minutes long and tell you how to make that consonant sound, with pictures of the tongue and lips, it gives you practice words and typical spellings and also shows you how to take your pronunciation to the next level. So click here at the end of this video to learn more about how to pronounce vowel sounds.

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5 British Pronunciation Hacks: How To Bridge The Gap Between Spellings And Speech

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ABOUT TIME I FINALLY GET WHAT VOWELS ARE! I went all over the internet for this. If a vowel is any sound where there is so friction required from the tongue, lips, or throat then I can see how only the a, e, i, o, u would be alphabetic vowels :) Thanks a lot!


Now!!! That's a proper explanation I bet in schools we're not given such detailed explanations about a vowel!!! 👏👏👏


Thank you soo much for the explanation brother 🙏 my teachers din teach me this properly during primary school
respect from India 😁


Thank you for posting such a helpful video


Thank you bra, I learned something from this video. Keep up the good work.


What is with "Y" then.. Any words with "Y" where the articulators don't touch?


Clear, concise and straight to the point, so refreshing. In a universe of long, boring, drawn out supposedly educational videos you shine, i now have a full understanding of what a vowel is, thank you so much.


turning 18 soon im fluent in English and I don't know what vowel is until I watched this video 💀


keep up the good work mate .you are really really good


thanks i knew what it was my brain just decided to forget about it.


Hey lil boy now is 2021 so what should i do


i would like to thank you first, second every time i laugh alot when u say have you ever wondered hhhh all your vidéos started like that so my sister asks me are u going to continue watch the have u ever wondered?


That's easy, I ain't even have to (and therefore won't) watch the video!

A vowel is when you make a solemn promise about something.

LIke I vowel to tell the truth, the whole truth and now't but the truth.


According to this definition it appears that r is a vocal, but in this video r is defined as a voiced consonant.


Is that it? nothing more to say on the subject


Make video on syllable. I like to watch your videos.


why don't tell us the 25 vowels? you scared?
