'Western Society UNDER THREAT' - British MP Douglas Carswell On Mass Immigration To The UK

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Douglas Carswell discusses the dramatic changes in the UK due to immigration over the past decade, highlighting the economic and cultural impacts. He emphasizes the importance of cultural compatibility and criticizes the dangers of cultural relativism in shaping immigration policy.

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Patrick Bet-David is the founder and CEO of Valuetainment Media. He is the author of the #1 Wall Street Journal Bestseller “Your Next Five Moves” (Simon & Schuster) and a father of 2 boys and 2 girls. He currently resides in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
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Guy Fawkes was the last man to enter parliament with truly honourable intentions.


What is the plan behind the Islamisation of Europe and why Muslims are not immigrating to rich Islamic states like Kuwait, Emirates, Saudi Arabia.


I was born in Vietnam to an American father who brought my mother and all her extended family (12) to the US after the fall of South Vietnam. Do we feel a debt of gratitude to the US?

ABSOLUTELY! YES! YES! YES! All caps does not do our feelings about the matter justice. We came to the US. Learned the language, enthusiastically did Halloweens / Thanksgivings / Christmas's, studied hard...now have 1 doctor, 1 lawyer, 2 trades men and had 2 sons that served in the US Army. We fled Vietnam to take on lives as Americans. We didn't come to make a new Vietnam and nor do we want the US to be like Vietnam.

I know of some illegal immigrants from Vietnam in the US (overstayed visas)...they got to go. The US has a system to vet people that want to immigrate to the US. There is a line. AND the US has a right to be picky with who they let in.

We are bewildered with how immigration and our borders are being handled currently. Borders are an easy thing. Vetting immigrants is an easy thing. Don't get guilted into allowing the hordes in our nation. That is one way to lose your country.


Like or dislike valutainment they always have food for thought


I visited UK and other Western European countries in 2022. Walking the streets of London looked like the walking the streets in the Dubai, UAE. It didn’t look like an European country at all.


It’s awesome wasting all this time talking about these problems when the solution is clear and ought to be carried out without delay. Like yesterday. Sadly, neither the UK or US have the stomach to do what’s needed to save their own countries.


The problem is not with who is coming in. It's about the values of the home nation being eroded by themselves. The UK was built on the back of Christianity but now, Christianity is being pushed out. Where there is a vacuum, anything fills the space. The minute a country adopts multiculturalism without having some core values or rules to work from, the culture of that country will be destroyed. If you go to Saudi Arabia, you either live by their cultural, social, and religious values or you don't bother coming.


islam! all the worlds problems in 2024 - simple


Very important. Thank you. I am Dutch and follow Van de Beek for a long time. Very important research!


Ethiopia is Orthodox Christian by Majority. I believe they follow the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. Somalia on the other hand is Muslim by Majority. Majority of the Crimes committed in Northern European Countries aren't committed by the Native Population. Denmark, Iceland etc are some of the least corrupt places on Earth.


The harsh reality is it’s happening in front of the world and nothing is being done about it…


Very interesting video !!!! Also migrants from central Europe have a positive impact on the economy as they are hard working, etc... not only US and Japan.


I was walking down the rd an hour ago when a fella parked his car completely covering the whole pavement— I stopped and said ‘ hey you can’t do that?’. He just stared and cared on.
That’s what is common.
They don’t g.a.f.


American dream was work hard have a family and buy a house with a white picket fences! British dream is a council flat go on the dole and claim benefits!


Rob seems to be the worst look up guy for podcasts


Well he doesn't talk about Indians who have the biggest household income in the US, perhaps in the UK too amongst all the immigrant groups. However he keeps ranting about western western western. Thats quite hypocritical actually. Did he provide any survery about stats of original brits thats on benefits? I know many.


I agree that there’s a problem, and that immigration is out of control. It’s being done intentionally - the Replacement theory.
However, as a Brit, we also have a responsibility to take in people from the countries that we’ve helped destroy - Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria et al.
That shouldn’t be overlooked, but almost always is. We can’t go around the world causing death and destruction and carry on back home as if nothing’s happened.
Maybe we should stop these stupid games.


It's not culture, it's race.


You over-emphasise specific documentation for your idea of a valuable person eg degrees and having worked in a particular type of company. I know many who qualify but uave limited capabilities. I have chosen to fix media equipments as my career path now. I can make thousands of pounds monthly, but i don't qualify for your method of assessing economic value because i work for myself. In contrast, when i worked for global company with a good salary but with very little technical skills, I QUALIFIED but i missed the chance. Used to be called HSMP in the UK


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