How To Find The Perfect Bike Fit | Bike Fit Tips

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Riding your road bike should always be a comfortable, fun experience. Numb hands, a sore back, or a stiff neck can ruin your cycling and cause long lasting injuries. In this video, Manon talks you through how to set your bike up to make sure it's comfortable, fits you properly, and makes your riding as fun as possible!

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Music - licensed by Epidemic Sound:
ES_Better Place (Instrumental Version) - spring gang
ES_Every Second of My Life (Instrumental Version) - Vividry
ES_Hot N' Sweet (Instrumental Version) - Park Lane
ES_Love on a Roll - Guy Trevino and Friends
ES_One Hundred Times (Instrumental Version) - LaKesha Nugent

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I think this is your best vid yet Manon. Good work. I like how you flowed through bits of bike fit and how they interact rather than just focusing on one aspect. Not comprehensive but more holographic which is great because its way too easy to get lost in the details.


I always had back pain on longer rides until I found out I was over extending my shoulders and I shortened my stem. I hope this saves people the trial and error I had.


The bike fits, but I just can't fit in the clothes I used to wear


It took me two days to stop, change, test, stop, change test out my saddle position, I spent about 10 years putting up with pain, going for a hours blast and that was me couldn’t do any more. I am now doing 7 to 12 hours cycling. So amazingly well worth the effort.


Love watching everything this girl does!!

She is cute and smart!!


There is some good basic information here but I think leading off with why it is a good idea to let someone else fit your bike for you (professional bike fitter) is a better course of action. It’s kind of like cutting your own hair, you can do it but it is always going to be better if you let an expert do the work. We all have certain internal biases and blind spots when it comes to our bike fit. I’m not saying that an individual can’t do a great bike fit but it’s hard not to be influenced by how we “want” to look on a bike vs where our bodies will allow. It is also a good idea to suggest starting at the foot and working your way up the kinetic chain. Each body segment will have influence on the next as you move up the chain. Following some of these basic principles will mean potentially fewer large adjustments, which in turn reduce the risk of cumulative injury down the line. Bicycle riding is a “non-weight-bearing” sport and our bodies can absorb some pretty awful positions on the bike for quite a while until they can’t anymore, with the result being pain or dysfunction that seems to come out of nowhere. Now, for transparency, I am a professional, medical bike fitter and am the Executive Director of the Serotta International Cycling Institute, so it is no wonder why I think professional fitting is important. However, I also see the results of fitting one’s self nearly every day in the clinic. If you want to make the most of that new bike or even your oldest trusty steed get a professional bike fit every few years or after injury. Your body will thank you for it!!

Greg Robidoux PT
Executive Director SICI
Co-Director Spaulding Cycling Medicine Program


Manon! You definitely need a gold chain on that white-golden or es frame!


Should never underestimate the benefits of a good bike fit - money well spent in my eyes!


That’s EXACTLY the same color I designed in MyO for that Orbea!!! Good taste!


Hello, I have been active in bicycle communities for the last 35 years, and having fit many people I have a few suggestions you may wish add to a future video. Women have a more difficulty with bike fit for two reasons. First, because majority of new bikes are sold to men, the bikes come with men's saddles and men's stems. The solutions to this are to install a women's saddle, and a stem that is vertically tall and horizontally short, thus bringing the back and arms into a more comfortable position. Depending on the individual I may suggest a different width handlebar and a different length crank arm set. Each individual has three own needs. The second problem is that finding a someone who understands women's bike fit can be difficulty to impossible task. I think this is something that has to be addressed industry wide, and not just one or two random shops. Being that you make videos about bike fit, I suggest a video to help women properly set up their bikes, and hopefully this will be watched by some bike business people as well.

Tom H


I use to get bit shoulder joint pain.. Ur vdo helped me lot...


I see manon I gorgeous and great info about bike as always keep it up


I'm really enjoying your way of description, also each & everything beyond that 😍


Good video. I also love how you ride in inclement weather, and I know that in your area, you don't have much choice. It sets a good example for the rest of us.


I have been riding for years and toyed around with the position and never getting it quite right. I am opting for a bike fit which will haven once lockdown is over in the UK. The £160 will be well worth it especially when I want to ride 300km in a day.


Yups. My bike shop set up my bicycle for me, free of charge, as I bought it from them new.


As always great instructional video. Especially for beginners. And Mannons bike is beautiful. I have a criticism. This goes across the board and not just this video. If you mention the need for a torque wrench you should be using one in the video. I am sure there is a reason they are not shown in instructional videos. But I am certain someone is using a T wrench to tighten a stem believing it is a torque wrench. Especially beginners who probably will not recognize possible damage to carbon parts. In Alex's last video he was using a very nice one. And showed the wrench being used correctly.


Rocket Coffee machine on the back My favourite


That Orbea is beautiful! Nice video, thanks for going over this important topic


I’m 5’8 and I bought a boardman hybrid bike in a large size with a 175mm crank from Halfords 4 years ago. I am still adjusting bits to make it fit up to now.
