Give Yourself Grace

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During your healing journey, it is important to remember to give credit where it is due, and give yourself grace.


Patrick Doyle is a public speaker and coach who is passionate about connecting with people so that they may see their individual value.

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Thank you for being the answer to the parayer that I prayed today :)


Thank you. Your videos on Dove TV made a huge difference for me. My situation was so hard but mild by comparison to some others but setting a firm boundary and not giving someone else power over my happiness allowed me to huddle with God, get Him in first place, and fast and pray. It took nearly a year for big changes but small ones began early. Nearly 20 years I was stuck and we had done a lot of counseling. To get things turned around I needed a boundary that kept my heart safe. It was the spiritual and relational wake-up call needed. So thankful for you. I wanted some to see that reconciliation/healing is possible even if not likely or the norm.


I feel inspired and hopeful from this video! Patrick, thank you. I have been a subscriber of yours for a few years and especially love your older videos on Dove. I notice you mention ladies, but men like me also experience these feelings, thoughts and have these experiences. I would feel grateful if you could mention us men too! Please keep posting your videos!


Patrick your insight has changed my life. I want you to know that. When I heard you say on the Dove tv that the only One who can change an abusive person is the Holy Spirit. You said that the most loving thing we can do is to stop the person from abusing us! Thank you.


Thank you Patrick. I too have been helped immensely by your YouTube videos.


Thank you so much Patrick, your videos on the Dove were where I first heard you speak. God led me to those videos and you became part of my story in leaving the abusive situation I was in...God reward all your wonderful work, in speaking about topics that are often hushed among Christians.
And it's great to see you again! Keep well! 👍🙏


You describe exactly where I am at in my healing journey right now Patrick. Trying to forgive myself and those that Ive allowed to steal from me is a tall order. Thanks for those words of comfort. Healing is a process and not done well without finding safe people who have the perspective that you do. God Bless this ministry of yours!


So good to see you on here! I want you to know that your work truly helped me save my life. I am forever grateful for you and I think of you with gratitude in my heart often. 🙏❤️🌱


Your wise words have changed my life. I am not exaggerating. The first time I watched the video on living with a person whom has an addiction, it was revolutionary and I was able to break free from a relationship that caused me so much harm. I am so much more mentally well and whole from what you shared. God used you to help set me free! Thank you very much


“Don’t dislocate your hip by kicking yourself in the butt!” 😂
Good word Patrick!!


Miss your videos! Hoping for more.... I’ve watched all your Thursday’s on the Dove interviews many many times!


Thank you Patrick, like so many other commenters here I have been so immensely helped by your videos to be able to set boundaries and build value within myself. I am so grateful for you and the work you do, you really combine truth and love in a way that is transformative.


I needed this today. Bless you and thank you.


Pulling yourself together is ridiculously difficult after the almost complete destruction of everything... it’s like you have to put all your members back together, you have to re-member yourself and then you’re somebody new. I am thankful sometimes for the difficulties. How it broke me to where I gave up and didn’t have enough energy to act like I had my act together. It did me a service in a way. Other times I’m pretty sure I’ll break at the next trigger that’s coming down the pike. It’s a hard thing to explain. It’s a really hard thing to live, sometimes I think everybody else lives this way, but do they? People want you to bounce back and that doesn’t happen. You get worse before you get better and then.. like I said, you’re somebody new.
Thank you yet again for your on point topics. You really know what your talking about down to the fine details. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You snapped me out of it, you were the only one who made sense when everybody else was so confusing. You saved my life and my kids quality of life. God bless you.


It's reassuring to hear you say this Patrick, I have always been very hard on myself for unknowingly marrying a man with Asperger Syndrome. He hid his awful temper from me during dating- I was his special interest-but after the marriage it felt like bait & switch, awful meltdowns for decades but having come from an abusive childhood I knew no different and put up with it, turning myself inside out to try to please him and avoid the tantrums for which I was blamed. What a mess I find myself in after 43 years of "marriage".


I'm going to put a lot more than 1/10 of the energy into myself! God is doing an inner work inside of me and it is simply GLORIOUS! Even though I'm sure it's going to be tough sailing, my Savior calms the inner storms inside of me. His Spirit has giving strength that I didn't know was possible!


Patrick " give yourself Grace"
Was so excellent
Thank you.


So amazing that I found this message on *Resserection Sunday* He is Alive and so am I... Thanks You Jesus 😘


I too first saw you on Dove. Honestly, I had to grit my teeth to keep from wanting to strangle Perry. Bless his heart but he should never have been counseling others because he didn’t have a clue. I was in the throes of devastation of being in relationship with a narcissist and was nearly destroyed, which is their goal. I listened to every broadcast of yours I could find, sometimes over and over. I knew you understood and knew how to help. At your suggestion I asked God if He was real to make Himself evident to me in ways that I would recognize. He did and I have become a believer as a result. I did so largely because of how you shared your relationship with Him in confidence that others could too. You made a huge difference in my life without even knowing it. God bless you.
