ES6 Tutorial - #5 Object Props & Destructuring
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00:18 POJO (Plain Old JavaScript Objects)
01:37 Property Shorthand
03:15 Method Properties
05:28 Property Naming Rules
06:06 Computed Property Names
08:52 Object Destructuring
11:12 Deep Object Destructuring
13:06 Object Parameter Destructuring in Functions
15:25 Array Destructuring
18:12 Array Parameter Destructuring
19:40 Deep Array Parameter Destructuring
Why don't we move on to object enhancements in ES6? There's quite a few. First, you can now use a shorthand for defining object properties and methods. Plus, you can also assign dynamic computed properties directly on your objects (You'll love it!). And last but not least, extracting object props and array elements is now a breeze with a new destructuring (aka matching) syntax. To the editor!
01:37 Property Shorthand
03:15 Method Properties
05:28 Property Naming Rules
06:06 Computed Property Names
08:52 Object Destructuring
11:12 Deep Object Destructuring
13:06 Object Parameter Destructuring in Functions
15:25 Array Destructuring
18:12 Array Parameter Destructuring
19:40 Deep Array Parameter Destructuring
Why don't we move on to object enhancements in ES6? There's quite a few. First, you can now use a shorthand for defining object properties and methods. Plus, you can also assign dynamic computed properties directly on your objects (You'll love it!). And last but not least, extracting object props and array elements is now a breeze with a new destructuring (aka matching) syntax. To the editor!
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