Javascript ES6 Tutorial for beginners | ECMAScript 6

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Javascript is the love or hate language amongst developers. And while I can understand where does the hate come from, the modern Javascript has been improved drastically and it is a completely different language than it was back in the days of Jquery. Mastering the ECMAscript 6 (es6) features will make you love javascript, will increase your speed of development, and will raise the bar for the code quality and readability.
I'm a full-stack developer, using javascript/typescript technologies in production projects for over 4 years. I recently finished my Internship at Amazon, and there I also used only javascript technologies (NodeJS, ReactJS, Typescript) to build a full-stack application. In this tutorial, I will teach you the top 7 es6 features that I use most often, and that improves my code quality.
1. Arrow functions is a better and more concise way of writing functions in javascript es6.
2. Template strings provide syntactic sugar for constructing strings. This is similar to string interpolation features in Perl, Python and more.
3. Destructuring allows binding using pattern matching, with support for matching arrays and objects.
4. Spread operator helps us merge together multiple arrays or objects.
5. In es6, we can declare default values for function arguments, and whenever the value is undefined or null, the default value will be assigned to the parameter.
6. The Rest operator binds trailing parameters to an array.
7. Let and const is the new of declaring variables in es6. Let operator comes to replace the `var` operator, with some improvements. It is block-scoped, and it was introduced to fix the problem of the `var` operator that was the reason for a lot of bugs in the past.
Let's connect:
Time codes:
00:00 0. Intro
01:13 1. Arrow functions
03:32 2. Template strings
05:48 3. Destructuring
09:48 4. Spread operator
13:11 5. Default arguments
14:05 6. Rest operator
15:02 7. let and const
15:54 8. outro
#vadimsavin #notjustdev #notjustdevelopment
I'm a full-stack developer, using javascript/typescript technologies in production projects for over 4 years. I recently finished my Internship at Amazon, and there I also used only javascript technologies (NodeJS, ReactJS, Typescript) to build a full-stack application. In this tutorial, I will teach you the top 7 es6 features that I use most often, and that improves my code quality.
1. Arrow functions is a better and more concise way of writing functions in javascript es6.
2. Template strings provide syntactic sugar for constructing strings. This is similar to string interpolation features in Perl, Python and more.
3. Destructuring allows binding using pattern matching, with support for matching arrays and objects.
4. Spread operator helps us merge together multiple arrays or objects.
5. In es6, we can declare default values for function arguments, and whenever the value is undefined or null, the default value will be assigned to the parameter.
6. The Rest operator binds trailing parameters to an array.
7. Let and const is the new of declaring variables in es6. Let operator comes to replace the `var` operator, with some improvements. It is block-scoped, and it was introduced to fix the problem of the `var` operator that was the reason for a lot of bugs in the past.
Let's connect:
Time codes:
00:00 0. Intro
01:13 1. Arrow functions
03:32 2. Template strings
05:48 3. Destructuring
09:48 4. Spread operator
13:11 5. Default arguments
14:05 6. Rest operator
15:02 7. let and const
15:54 8. outro
#vadimsavin #notjustdev #notjustdevelopment