Alpha Species EXPLAINED 🐲 | How To Train Your Dragon

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Hiya Alphas! Today, we discuss Alpha species & Types, from the gigantic behemoths like the Red Death, to smaller alphas like the lead Speed Stinger, we cover everything to know about alphas in How To Train Your Dragon and help direct and prevent miscommunication on the subject, this was just my personal interpretation, so be civil and non-hateful down below. Subscribe For More and Turn on Post Notifications!

I hope you enjoyed the video and have a good day :)

Night Fury Playlist:


Intro - 00:00
What Is an Alpha? - 00:28

Same Species - 01:32
Alpha Sepcies- 03:15

Pack Alphas - 04:45
Titan Wing Pack Alphas - 05:38

Anomolies - 05:53
Outro - 08:10

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I like the idea that the red death is more of a parasite based on how it behaves and controls the other dragons solely to feed it and doesn’t really protect them. Bit more of control via fear, but honestly that could be its method of “being and alpha”. While the Bewilder beast seems to have proper respects and defends the dragons when threatened. Am I wrong to think this? Thoughts?


this video made me wonder, did toothless gain the hive mind ability, because to me in the third movie he may have used the hive mind to transmit a signal to the other dragons.


The biggest of the seven classes:

Red Death (Biggest of Stoker 🔥)-Behemoth
Screaming Death (Biggest of Boulder 🪨)-Amphiptere
Deadly Nadder (Biggest of Tracker👣)-Wyvern
Timberjack (Biggest of Sharp 🔪)-Ziz
Bewilderbeast (Biggest of Tidal 🌊)-Leviathan
Foreverwing (Biggest of Mystery ❓)-World Turtle
Deathgripper (Biggest of Strike 🎳)-Manticore


I remember commenting on the "is the Red Death an alpha" video and did a little deep-dive into the different kinds of alphas; I hope that helped in some way.
This video really does cover all the boxes and I have to say you really did a fantastic job!
I know the third movie/Dean made the alpha thing weird with toothless (like making him king of all dragons in the world just...for plot - and saying all dragons have an alpha mode, which doesn't make sense especially for dragons that aren't pack-based), but I'm really impressed you were able to really nail the whole alpha spectrum, well done!


I believe that the alpha species, such as the bewilderbeast, have the ability to produce a frequency that only dragons can hear, and can force them to do certain tasks through it, similar to a dog whistle, and the red death has a weaker version of this, which is why it also relies on fear, and this frequency is why, when the alphas try to control something, we, as an audience, can hear a noise, I don’t know how to explain it, but we can hear a noise, but, further implying a frequency method, we can see toothless being able to fight it, whereas if it were a hive mind, toothless would have been under complete control, almost instantly, and wouldn’t be able to overcome it later in the second movie.


I always loved Screaming Death's design such very cool design and he is neither villain or good even we had a whole episode of him going to island to island to find what he was looking for


The small shadow and Shadow wing are indeed 2 different species working together. But Dreamworks insists we treat them as one species.


This video raise a question in my mind, can solitary dragons, dragons that have evolved and adapted to live a solitary life rather than in pack got mind controlled by the alpha species? You know dragons like the Skrill, the Deathsong, the Caverns Crasher, etc


The bewilderbeast wasn’t a titan wing, this is shown by the enormous skeleton on vanaheim (in the rtte show) which could only be a titan wing bewilderbeast and is much larger than the bewilderbeasts shown in httyd 2


What is Toothless (NightFury) is a Titan wing of the light fury because in the 3rd movie we see 2 other night furies and this is why we don’t see more nightfuries


Great video mate, well thought out, superbly edited and explained, though I do feel the need to point out that that their was one Symbiotic Pack Alpha dynamic you forgot to mention, that being the Sky Torcher’s Alpha dynamic with the Flame Thrower pack in Dragons: The Nine Realms.


2:27: I disagree here. As I recall, Dean has said that every species is technically capable of going Alpha-Mode. Good explanation/breakdown, though!


I’m the first comment! I am the dragon artist and I can draw your channel as a dragon! And if you want it, say where can I sand it for you?


Red Death (not to be mistaken with the Green Death, which is a smaller species) does have the ability to change the mood of other dragons and command them this way, like Bewilderbeast does. They use small vibrating crystals in their skin (they are clearly visible as the tiny vibrating spikes on the faces of Bewilderbeasts) that transmit sounds at frequency inaudible to human ear (the humming that can be heard in the first and second movie), changing the behaviour of other dragons. Red Death is like a cruel dictator, which may command other dragons to bring food, but can't overcome one's natural fear of being eaten by your own Alpha. Most other Alpha Species has followers due to the particular specimens reaching Titan Wing stage of life (peak of dragon's physical condition, only a few of the dragons survive in the wild long enough to grow this big) and they offer protection, or due to their sheer size even as Broad Wing stage dragons (the adult stage of dragon's life cycle), when they often command a small nest of fellow dragons seeking shelter and protection (great example is the one particular Screaming Death living with his siblings and mother. However, Screaming Death is simply just albino Whispering Death and is not their own species.) For anyone that has been listening to me until this point, thank you for hearing out my thoughts on my 13-year old hyperfixation.


Even the screaming death gets parental scolding🤣


Fun fact the bewilderbeasts aren’t titan wings they are just normally able to mind control but the only titan wing bewilder beast we’ve seen yes there is one it’s the skeleton on vanahiem as it’s twice the size of valkas and dragos


Good job, you made me into httyd again


I have a question what were the bubbles in drago blodfists base when he looked down to the water


A bewilder beast (sorry if I missed spelled) in the movies are not titan wig the only titan wing bewilder beast we see is on vanaheim


I seen people question if toothless gained a hive mind ability or something like that. To this i will say no as there really is little to nothing to back it up. That being said it does make you question on how he went from being the alpha of the pack to the alpha of the dragons instantly. And to this i say as we know dragons are incredibly intelligent and can sort or in a way sense strength and things of that kind so i say the dragons of the world were able to make out how confident, smart, and determind toothless is and how simple powerful he is cause we know he is broken and respected it and made a neutral agreement that he is king. Basically what im trying to say is toothless is simply that cool and bro knows it and bro runs it.
