Ring Rees-Mogg: 18th February 2019 - Jacob Rees-Mogg's Phone-In - LBC

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LBC: Leading Britain's Conversation
DAB Digital Radio | 97.3FM FM London
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JRM says we should have sympathy for returning Jihadists who have pledged an allegience to the Islamic State! "She was only 15" etc, that doesnt matter! This issue is not about sympathy, it's about keeping the UK safe from terror attacks.


The mps who left the labour party should resign and call bi-elections. Especially if their views doesn't represent the majority in their constituencies.


On a lot of things I agree with Mogg. On a girl that left for ISIS she shouldn't be allowed back to Britain.
The Islamic State is her chosen country.


But she is only wanting to come back to get a handout from our benefit no this should not happen.


A true Brexit is a no deal Brexit. Terms and conditions of the Referendum should be applied without prejudice.


No delay, No extension, just clean out, leave on 29 March 2019.


with the latest announcements from the eu this morning, it looks like the best deal now is to leave with no deal, as we will be free again and still have the benefits..


Mr Rees Mogg I just love your manner of never blasting your adversaries no matter what we expect others would do.


Jacob Rees Mogg is a strong and principled man that gives honest answers to straight questions. Sometimes we might not agree with those answers but surely you would rather have a politician that is prepared to say things that upset his base of supporters from time to time rather than someone that will say or do anything without principle just to keep support on side


Why on earth did she sign the deal with Eu in the first place??
It’s obvious the deal was unfair to the uk...why did May decided to sign it.
Due to this May should resign.


After spending the last couple of years listening to JRM I no longer feel he would make a good PM. He is a politician, not a leader. What this country now needs is a leader to take the country to a prosperous future.


Jacob is really back sliding these days, what's going on with him.


Chuka Umunna, Luciana Berger, Chris Leslie, Angela Smith, Mike Gapes, Gavin Shuker and Ann Coffey.
These are the ones that have left.


Mogg really lets himself down when undermines Tommy. But like any Tory and Labour MP, he puts party before the people and the truth.


It's annoying how he dismisses Tommy Robinson so casually. Growing up in Luton, where native Brits have become the minority, he could hardly turn to the Tory Party for answers... Jacob's hero is Mrs Thatcher but her great example was Enoch Powell. I wonder if he thinks of him as an extremist.


Mr. Mogg stands in front of one and all and explains his opinion and defends his ideas! He has earned the respect of many including overseas.


I have heard JRM mention Tommy Robinson about 4 times on different shows as he being a threat if parliament "doesn't do the right thing" re leaving EU.

This is a ruse. It is actually UKIP they fear but daren't mention by name so as not to give UKIP and Gerrard Batten any publicity. Tut, tut Jacob!


WTO exit without the taxpayers' payment is clearly the best option for a responsible Government .


I got stuck in a roof space earlier! God Dammit BREXIT!


I follow JRM's logic on this. however this is precisely why people like myself have put up with these so called negotiations thus far. We never wanted any negotiations in the first place, in the full knowledge that such a thing had been tried in the past and failed dismally, ending in only insults from the EU to obediently greased up Quislings, such as David Cameron. Who may I say, repeatedly said that if the vote was to leave, the UK would leave the SM, CU, and the jurisdiction of the EC. Therefore negotiating in any way was like Arsenal losing the cup final, 4-0, to Newport County, and then trying to afterwards negotiate a less undesirable score line. Worse in this case, Arsenal trying to negotiate the result to a 5-0 Arsenal win, with no chance of any future games of changes to the negotiated outcome. No, much worse then even that, Newport County having to pay Arsenal £39, 000, 000, 000 for having the impertinence of beating Arsenal 4-0, in the first place. Get out and get out NOW. No deals, no more messing about, and then sort out, or tidy up any problems afterwards. May effectively got the UK, such a bad deal, that a No Deal is the only sensible or rational alternative. However as this was always going to be the best deal the EU could ever have afforded to give the UK, then we have lost nothing other then a few more brain cells, and almost 3 years of our lives.
