6 Tips to Choose a Seat Depending on Your Flight

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To be or not to be, that is… not a question anymore. Aisle seat or window seat — now that is the question! If you ask people where they prefer to sit on a plane, you’ll get tons of different opinions. But is there really some bottom line to this debate?

What can be more beautiful than a city from a bird’s eye perspective? Looking outside just isn’t the same when you’re not next to the window, no compromise here. An aisle seat gives you plenty of leg room, which can’t be said about window seats. But what about the middle seat? Does it have any advantages?

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- If you’re a good sleeper, there’s nothing better than to take a window seat on a long-haul flight.
- If you’re in an aisle seat, chances are, someone on a fully booked plane would eventually ask you to switch seats with them to be with their companions or family.
- In addition, sitting at the window gives you full control of the shade. If you want to sleep but the light from outside is too bright for comfort, just roll it down!
- If you ever feel stiff from sitting with your legs bent at the knees, you can always stretch them in the aisle.
- On top of that, you are always free to go to the bathroom or just walk a little bit to bring life back to your lower limbs.
- What’s more, aisle seats are strategically important: if you’re smart with your timing, you just might be the first to get off the plane after it lands.
- And yet another reason for aisle seat lovers is that you can see the approaching food cart, and you’ll always be the first to serve your in-flight meal.
- No one wants to be in the middle. You’re about to be crammed between two people with no access either to the window or the aisle, no other headrest than your seat, and no extra leg room.
- According to statistics, you’re better off sitting at the tail of the plane! The thing is, in an emergency situation, the tail has better chances of making it in one piece, which might help keep you in one piece.
- If you have a choice in the matter, try to avoid sitting near the aisle somewhere in the vicinity of the bathroom, both front and tail.
- Closer to the end of your trip, especially if it’s a lengthy one, people will start forming a line to do their business.

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Where do YOU prefer to sit on an airplane?


Depending on how long the flight is. In a 2 hour flight I'll take the window seat for the view. In an 8 hour flight however I'll take the aisle seat for comfort.


3:35: All right, who let the giraffe on the airplane?


I like the window seat. I used to flip a coin with my brother to decide who gets the privilege to see the breathtaking scenery below in the window seat. Even if I don’t have as much as legrooms and have to ask when I want to get out, the view is always worth it all!!


Thank you, but I'll just sit on the wings.


and in my last trip, I purposely selected seats in the exit row, relatively close to the restroom.
extra legroom, and easy access to the restroom.


If it's a short flight (<2 Hours) Window seat. If it's a medium length flight (2-5 hours) either window or aisle, If it's a longer flight always, always aisle


Whoever is reading this and you are struggling, frustrated and seems like nothing is working out. Dont be discouraged. Just keep grinding soon you will look back with joy when victory comes your way


Whatever it takes, I always aim for the window seat.


Bright Side:Uploads A Video.

Everyone:Rushes Too Be First.


Plot twist: The Middle Seat are the best


I usually travel with my wife who prefers the window. With three across seating, even if I reserve the aisle seat, often times someone will come along who has the middle. At that point I dutifully ask if they would mind if I took the middle (next to my wife) and give them the aisle. No one has ever declined the offer but that leaves me in the middle most of the time. Fortunately, I'm not 6'10".


I've never had the experience of being on an airplane myself so really how would I know but it seems like to me an aisle seat would be better cause that way you don't make it too inconvenience for not only yourself but others as well when you have to keep trying to get pass others just to go to the restroom.


Short flights i like to sit at window to see the landscape below. On long flight i really prefer the isle seat as i like to get up regularly to stretch


Lol she reclined her seat all the way back ( 3:00 ) with a smile on her face. lol


As an aviation geek...I always aim for the window seat, just behind the engines. This is so because I like to keep an eye out for all procedures and checklists and see how they are being followed. Also becuz I like to record the takeoff and landings


nobody really likes the middle seat
me : I like sitting in middle seat only cause I fly with my parents cause I like being cuddled with them


I was a flight attendant for many years. Window seats are bad. You are stuck and at mercy of 2 others to all ow you to get up. The middle is worse. You are really stuck! Afraid of turbulence, NEVER sit in the back! It is the worst place to sit on the aircraft. The back gets the brunt of the bumps. The pilots sit up front and don't feel the bumps in the back. Fa's have to call the pilots to have them put on fasten seat belt sign. I was always more fearful of crashing at a highway near my home than airplane crash. Those are one in millions.


Thank you so much you are an inspiration to me ❤❤❤


For me it depends. If I'm connecting flights, then I usually like an aisle seat (unless the flight is long, like 2+ hours; then I might get a window seat but closer to the front of the plane). If I might be flying over some scenic areas, like national parks, then I might opt for a window seat. If the flight is at night and shorter, then I don't care. Generally I don't care as long as it's not the middle seat. For longer flights, it is nice to be by a window so you can sleep, but if getting off the plane quickly is important an aisle seat towards the front can be better, although no window view, and it also means staff may be reaching over you to hand people their drinks/snacks. In reality though, just not being obnoxious (and possibly overweight) people is all I care about, overweight because some people literally take up too much space even though all airplanes have arm rests (just think about sitting between two heavy-set people).

Sometimes if I want a bit more space but don't want to pay for it, I'll try to sit next to an emergency exit, although I have found these seats tend to be louder because the emergency exist isn't entirely sound-proof so you hear a bit more when setting near those. Also sitting in or in front of an exit row may also mean your seat back may not recline for obvious reasons.
