Bissell Pet Stain Eraser Review

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Bissell Pet Stain Eraser Review

This video reviews the basic operation of the Bissell Pet Stain Eraser DIY carpet cleaner. This machine works well for small water-based spots and spills that have not penetrated deeply into the carpet fibers.
Limit the amount of liquid you put on the carpet and make sure to make several dry passes over the damp area so that it can dry quickly.

1. Don’t extract any dry cleaning solvents through this machine
2. Don’t over wet the area
3. No harsh scrubbing
vinegar & water
5. Use 3% hydrogen peroxide for mild staining

For more on how professionals flush urine out of carpeting and rugs click the link below:

# BissellPetStainEraserReview

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Had this for a year. Have regular carpet that is probably 10 years old. Regularly shampoo the carpet with standard shampooer. Use the brush lightly over the stain after solution has sit for about 15 sec. It has done a great job and beats the hell out of getting the full size unit out for small stains. Remember… use the brush also. Just don’t put your whole weight into brushing the stain.


I was having a hard time getting the nozzle to shoot out the sprayer. Thanks to your video, you showed me how to use it. My carpet looks AMAZING. Thank you so much.🤗🤗🤗


Great video, spot on, I use vinegar, peroxide, and Dawn for my solution. Gets about everything.


I made the mistake of spraying the liquid onto the carpet & leaving it for half an hour - the liquid has seeped into the carpet. I wasn’t able to extract a lot of water. The secret is Spray the area, wait a few seconds & extract the water it worked perfectly., removed the Marks etc. You can also apply more pressure (don’t overdo it) on the top of the Cleaner to extract more liquid from the carpet. I have 2 Dogs, the Chihuahua is not 100% fully toilet trained. He has the very rare wee on the carpet - my other small Dog is 12 yrs old & has never left his mark anywhere on the carpet….I’m very impressed with the machine - it does what it is designed to do….I have numerous Bissell Items they make excellent Products. Plus a percentage of the Sales $$ (USA) goes to assist Animal Shelters.


you just convinced me to buy one, thank you for the tips. will be using the solution of woolite/water and water/vinegar you suggested


Just inherited a Bissell...this is a great video. Thanks David!!


Honestly, super helpful. Manual was almost useless, save as a gimmick to push more chemical and attachment sales. I thought similar about using a white vinegar solution. Thanks!


I just bought this I like it . I wanted something simple having looked at hoover other pet stain remover machines there all too complicated for me . This is simple. Dose the job just fine . But it depends on your carpet I guess. A thick carpet might not be for this machine thumbs up


Just bought this model many thanks for the tutorial


Good video, I think you left one important item out. How you can take off the faceplate and clean it. That was a big seller for me.


When you say to do a couple of dry passes do you mean before putting your solution down or after you’ve sucked it up and your fabric is dry again?


Thank you for the video. I just bought this and I didn’t know it had a little reservoir on the other side. For cleaning solution


Would this clean the same or better than a corded machine? Im thinking of getting one to use on the car and Ive watch another video on this and they said it doesnt suck up the solution as good.


This is the most useful I have seen. I like the idea of using my own mild cleaner, and rinsing using white vinegar and water. Getting it as dry as possible is smart, but my question is do I employ a fan at the end? I'm worried about moisture getting under the rug. In large area rugs, I have either folded them back ( after removing as much moisture as possible doing it without a machine) then inserting something under like a roll of paper towels or a bowl to increase air flow. Any thought or suggestions, thanks very much.


What do you recommend for cleaning the carpeting on stairs?


yes mine seems to be charged but will never run more than a second.


I did ring BISSELL & asked them could I use a Mix of Vinegar & Water & a Wool Wash Machine - Bissell Customer Service said 2yr Warranty will be voided if any other Product is used other than what they the BISSELL Products they recommend


Great video. I am going to purchase one of these. What type of brush did you say you recommend? The one with the white handle? Thank you.


Could you tell me if this works just as good as a hand held vacuum if you didn’t need to specifically clean up a stain, just some pet hair on a rug ?


So basically it's a portable hand held shop vac. meaning If I go get a rigid 6 gal. 3.5 peak hp shop vac from home depot, it'll work just as good or better?
