Personality Path Enneagram Test: An Expert Review and My Results 🦏

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Time to complete: 12 minutes

Why I think the Personality Path Enneagram Test is the best enneagram test out there:

What I liked: 😃

✔️ Website has a new feel. Doesn't feel abandoned or out of date.
✔️ You can go back and change your answer! Wow! Most tests don't have this feature.

What I didn’t like: 😡

❌ One question at a time and the next question doesn't load quickly enough for me. Minor gripe but it takes longer to take the test and I just want to get to the results!

What are your thoughts? Are you an Enneagram 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9?

Let us know in the comments below if this video helped to explain the free Enneagram test.


🧙👍 ✨ If you liked this video, I have two FREE RESOURCES to share with you:

This free guide includes five templates you can use right away no matter your planning style:

1) Trello Board: Sign into your free account and select "copy board" from the menu.
2) 90 Day Plan PDF
3) Action Plan Template Excel file
4) Updated 90 Day Plan Word Doc
5) Google Document link

What is your favorite personality test? Let me know in the comments below and I may even make a video for it

All the best,

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