5 Reasons You´re NOT Carving on Skis

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00:00 What you will learn in this carving tutorial
00:27 Reason 1 | You Are Aiming for a Too Sharp Turn
01:58 Join a Ski Camp & Learn to Rip a Turn
02:14 Asking Radko For More Reasons
02:57 Drill: J-Turn | Learn to Let the Skis Do the Work
03:43 Drill: Link Carved Turn | Patient Transition
04:26 Feedback | Feel the Silence
04:48 Reason 2 | You Are Skiing Too Steep Slopes
05:18 Drill: C-Shaped Turns | Control Speed & Gradually Ski Steeper Slopes
06:03 Feedback | Sense if You Can Keep Constant Speed
06:19 Asking David For More Reasons
07:16 Reason 3 | You Have too Low Edge Angles
07:44 Drill: Ridd the Training Wheels | Soften the Inside Leg
09:07 Reason 4 | Incompetent Inside Foot
09:41 Drill: Stationary Carving | Edging in Unison
10:34 Drill: Rail Roads | Edge in Unison
11:02 Feedback | Train with an Olympian (ad)
11:26 Reason 5 | You Are Doing Unnecessary Movements
12:02 Drill: Posture Reset | Find the Posture at the Transition
12:48 Feedback | Video Analysis | Look for Unnecessary Movements
13:06 ⛷️ Thank You for Watching til the end You Wonderful Skier! 💚

Stomp It Camps - Step-by-Step Ski Camps for Adults
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Step-by-Step Ski Camps for Adults |- Ski Technique - | - Freestyle - | - Freeride - |


I am a good skier but I still watch all the StompIt videos just to make sure I'm not making some lazy mistakes lol. Keep up the good work guys!


Part of the issue that intermediate skiers also have with carving is the top end speed you need to achieve and maintain with those wide turns on a steep slope. I think that gets overlooked a lot. When advanced skiers are carving the speed that it takes to do those wide turns is much greater than what a lot of intermediate skiers feel comfortable with.


just found your channel and I must say as someone whos grown up with a ski instructor parent you're doing an awesome job keep teachin the next generation of shredders and huckers!!!


I enjoy the scenery at 2:30. Writing down some tips to try tomorrow, night skiing. Thanks!


Learning to carve feels amazing. I love the g forces in a turn 😍
If only my fitness could let me do it all day.


thank you! ive been skidding all my turns and this is the next step i wanted to learn.


Used all your stuff at Breck this week. My friends were amazed at my improvement over the last couple years. Keep' m coming! Thanks


Harder snow also helps greatly once you get to a certain level of ability. Soft and especially non-uniformly soft snow allows your edges to "let go", and limits how much you can increase edge angle to tighten the carved radius. This is especially true on short+narrow specialist skis like FIS SLs or some of the shorter-radius carvers on the market.

wrt the sensation of falling to the inside, my breakthrough (many years ago) was internalizing that my core and my feet must follow separate paths, and that the rest of my body's job is to keep them in the right relation. When you think of it that way "Falling to the inside" is really just a matter of lowering the core while allowing the skis to carve out from under it. The "lowering" part is really important, because a lot of people "fall to the inside" while staying too upright, and that leaves them incapable of loading up and driving the outside ski. I have to visualize my core moving _down_ close to the snow surface as my skis move out from under it. Also once you've gotten the "lowering" part down then you can build upon it by working on staying low through a quick turn transition.

And of course when you're on a really steep slope and _must_ skid, the trick is to do it entirely up above the turn and steer the ski back out into the carve before the apex. That's how the racers roll.


Thanks for all these tips! I'm an intermediate skiier trying to start carving and will definitely be trying these out when I go to France at the end of Feb. Really well shot and edited video, the drone shots in particular were the most helpful I've seen in illustrating the J and C turns. Keep up the good work!


I'm a snowboarder but watching this. Man, its so cool to watch carve on two skies satisfying to watch.


First time I ever skiied, I was 4 years old. I’m 24 now. My skiing career started off consistent, every weekend during the winter my family would go to our vacation home in the mountains for ski trips. Grandparents got old, kids started growing up and the house was sold cause no one used it. From ages 13-20 I hardly ever went. Maybe 3 times in between. 20-24 I started going more often and consistent. So I’m no pro but I’m definitely not a novice. I feel more safe and confident skiing in between trees on a steep slope than I do carving down a mountain. When I was little I skiied with all my older cousins who pushed me to keep up with them so I feel like I’m lacking a lot of key technique that I shoulda learned as a kid. Thank you to this video I can see my weak points and I know where to strengthen for the next time I go out on the mountains.


Another great video thank you. I think the problem for me is confidence. I understand the technique but it's when the slope is too steep and I'm looking down and my speed picks up that I'm kind of panicking a bit and going back to bad habits of skidding the back of the skis out


A lot depends on the snow. On steep and very hard, ice-like surface it's very difficult to carve properly. Conditions in this video seem perfect, which makes carving much easier. And let's be honest - we often ski in difficult conditions, so this video is a bit misleading. I would love to see a video in not-so-perfect conditions.


Brilliant vid, if only I had seen it 5 years ago 🙂 explaining literally everything I had to find out the hard way to become a bit of a carver with my (too big) ass almost touching snow. Also wort mentioning, if you know how to properly ride the edges while carving, icy spots / steep slopes become relatively easy to conquer as a bonus.


I credit this video with giving me the knowledge to finally learn how to carve! I am so excited about this breakthrough. Thank you for this helpful video — the explanations and demonstrations are so clear!


Great video, I'm an intermediate trying to learn how to carve. The points in this video is exactly what I'm working on, I tend to do Z shape turns not C shape and twist my upper body. Thanks for the tips.


I find that softening the inside ski really helps smooth out my turns and transitions from turn to turn.


I’m more of a beginner but have realized that my greatest flaw right now is my fear of leaning my knees to the side at all, causing me to skid (reason 4) Will try to use these tips!


I switched to skiing this year after snowboarding for over 25 years, been super fun and picked it up super fast. Need to work on the carving more to be more smooth. That and skating, can’t seem to figure that out yet. Want to teach my daughter to ski when she gets a little older.
