CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta: Is it ever OK to cheat?

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If there is a place in hell for philandering selfish serial cheaters, then there's a place in hell for for the jerks who sexually abandon their spouses and can't let them get it elsewhere.


Isn't this something between two people in a relationship? Why is Sanjay Gupta trying to insert himself into something that's not his business? People are perfectly capable of making their own moral choices; they've been doing it for thousands of years.


if your partner has withheld sex and intimacy from you for years wilfully, how can it be cheating if you hook up with another woman? As long as you don't lead the other woman to believe it's anything other than adult fun with no strings attached and she's mature enough to accept that, where's the harm? Should a guy just blurt out to his partner who denies him sex, "I've been fucking other women, " why bother if it's going to hurt her emotionally and it's not constructive. Dan's right, he said he doesn't just give a green light to cheaters, but he also states that a trust has been broken by the woman long before the guy cheats if she expects him to remain sexually faithful to her while denying him sex. Ladies, you don't get to play that game; firstly, sex isn't a weapon and you don't get to deny a man his right to fulfil his natural sexuality; secondly, if you have denied him sex for anything like a year or more and he seeks it from another woman while remaining committed to you emotionally then you have no real right to complain if you find out he cheated if it was only for sexual release. Just because you don't want sex anymore that doesn't give you the right to tell your male partner he can't have sex either.Of course the man could divorce a woman who denies him sex, but it's very possible that a woman who denies her partner sex is probably emotionally and or psychologically unstable; and if there's kids involved, the guy might just be staying around to be the kind of support to them the woman cannot offer.Women aren't the frail and socially deprived people they once were and get the benefit of the doubt in any break up situation involving young children at the expense of the relationship of loving fathers and their young kids. Gentlemen, if your female partner is cold to your wooing and won't even entertain your advances in a relationship and deprives you of sex constantly, as animals with a natural sexual instinct, you have a right to fulfil that very natural aspect of yourself; be careful, don't mislead the other woman, you don't need to unnecessarily hurt your partner by confessing, and you don't need to feel guilty for fulfilling a very intrinsic aspect of your very being. Who's to say she isn't cheating already if she denies you sex anyway? Personally, if she is and I don't know, I don't care. My kids are more to me than my partner and being in a relationship for them until they're old enough to legally choose who they want to stay with is just a natural urge to want to have a close relationship with your kids until you eventually split up. A marriage or partnership isn't written in stone and apart from not being abusive, you have no other moral obligation to a partner unless you've lead her on with promises. At this point you have to ignore the stupid christian proselytising and do what matters to you without being a prick to anyone; finding sexual gratification outside of a intimacy free relationship isn't being hurtful, no more hurtful than them denying you sex; just don't rub it in their face and still treat your partner with respect. When your kids are old enough to understand, pull the plug on your relationship, you have only one life and allowing anyone, even your partner deny you of the most simplest pleasures of life is not fair to you. Let her ruin someone else's life, you deserve to matter to someone as an adult in an intimate way
