GCSE Biology - Global Warming & Climate Change #91

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What is global warming and climate change and how will they affect the planet? Learn about how and increase in greenhouses gases is leading to global warming, and how organisms across the world are responding to this warmer world!
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Amadeus & Tom


This is where geographers have an advantage in biology


This is gonna become a successful YouTube channel. Great videos. Keep it up. You deserve every GCSE student to watch.


These videos are soo good, i love how you lay them out, it makes everything look much mores simple


Hi, I have no words to thank you for these videos.I am an Arts stream student preparing for GCSE equivalencies as planning to do PGCE in the Uk, ur videos are life saver for the students like me..A big round of applause for the tutor like u❤️❤️❤️🙏🙏


I am very concerned and worried about global warming. I also have a feeling in like 15 years time we could have to leave some parts of earth because of extreme weather events. Finally here in the UK 2020 has been an extremely warm year and I prefer the cold instead of the hot


Very clear videos. One possible error here: the radiation that is being absorbed and re-emitted is, I believe, the infrared radiation being emitted by the warmed Earth, which absorbs the solar radiation. That's how I understand it, at least. You don't differentiate between the two.


i swear this is probably the only useful science, thanks so much for the vids :)


do you think the hydron collider might have something to do with this as they seem to be playing with matter and anti matter also if some one could stop the president of brazil cutting down the rain forest before its to late this might help.


Even if you do not believe in global warming (I do not know how it is possible in 2022...) we have to change radically to have a cleaner and greener planet earth.


They reused the same video for chemestry


Hi my class is doing assembly on global warming and I have to explain what is global warming in my own words I need help can anyone help me 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻♥️please 🙏🙏🙏🏻
