This Changes EVERYTHING! Valby Weapon Build Guide // The First Descendant

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Yoo guys, today we are talking about a transcendent module that is arguably the strongest module in the game, increasing your final crit chance by up to 25x with a single module. This turns valby into an incredible bosser and she can do some insane AoE Tricks. Full build guide out tomorrow!

0:00-0:54 Intro
0:54-2:33 Crit Chance
2:33-6:55 Valby's Supply Moisture
6:55-8:45 Farming The Mod
8:45 Outro
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Full Build Guide out tomorrow! Also apparently Enzo's "Supply Firearm Enhancer" Does the same thing as this module.


I think build videos should have a low catalyzed section and a theorized high catalyzed section. That way people just unlocking them know what mods to prioritize and people who want to invest get some guidance as well.


Its just a raw +20% on crit chance, skill and weapons. So, Your python goes from 5 to 25. However you built your thunder cage with a crit rate module, which means that it results in a (Base crit chance% + 20%) * x% multiplier from your mods, which gives you a 78% crit chance. Works with every weapon


Its % added to your base and your other mods scale off it which makes it so good. Thats why you see different increases with different weapons


I found this a few days ago but didn't know how to perfect it, with this video I swapped a couple things and finally have a YouTube tutorial build immediately after watching LOL, thank you for this.


Yes, I'm swiping the shit out of Ultimate Valby pack once it's released


Holy cow, I just had had this mod drop last night and I don’t even have Valby complete yet 😂


its an intended feature because if you go to the descendants page with it equipped it will specify it buffs weapon crit rate


enzo has a mod that does the same as well, firearm supply enhancement, and he gives it to others that touch it


Its not different multipliers for each weapon, it is a flat 20% base crit chance when stepping on water @Moxsy, the big thing about is that the flat 20% gets multiplied by mods afterwords


Been having a blast with this build with 70+ crit rate and 6x crit dmg TC. I also find out for special ammo there's a gold mod that deceases enemy's crit resistance. I did some theroycraft and for The Unwelcome it Could potential 100% crit to bosses (bosses have high crit resist)


I've been advocating for Valby since the crossplay beta back in September. I fell in love with her then, and I main her now. Not only does she do this, she also has non-attribute DoT, meaning nothing is resistant to it. Sure, Nothing is weak to it, but it's the resistance that matters, imo. Her DoT is also VERY large aoe and lasts for a very long time. Also, when Liquified with her 3rd ability, she's like as fast as Bunny using Speed of Light, but instead of her aoe following her, she leaves it behind, potentially shutting down entire areas for spawns for a time which is very helpful in most mission types.


Valby and Gley are my favorites so far. Just flat out fun to play. Bunny is third, but a bit a bit squishy to me, also still need to get Ult Bunny. Not investing much into base forms.


Just wanted to say thank you for making these awesome videos. This one helped me out so much as I had been farming for the mod for 3 days just doing the missions and strategic outposts, but I got the module within an hour of doing the reactor on normal. I did go to hard mode to farm the materials to do the reactor then normal to run it a bunch, totally worked!!


Lethal finish will add a flat +60%crit rate (so 5% -> 65%) on a cooldown to some amount of ammo, that's reduced if you kill something with the crit boosted ammo. Also, on some weapons even though they have low crits, can still work as crit weapons. Tamer for instance has a low base chance but it has high fire rate and mag to compensate otherwise the dps on it would be broken. That said I've read that people were doing more damage overall on collosi building tamer for crit rather than weakpoint. All this taken into account I still want valbae to break weapons that otherwise wouldn't work out building for crit such as with launchers as you've shown.


20% additional crit rate flat on the base stat. So the crit rate is still increased by crit rate module all together with the weapon/valby's base crit rate.


Not to take away from Moxsy but Aznvasions has an extremely thorough Valby guide that breaks this down a bit more and includes a spredsheet for all the weapon testing he's currently doing to see which weapons have what crit multipliers. Would HIGHLY recommend him in addition to Moxsy


Valby has been my main the last couple days and she's level 35 so far and was already trying to get the Trans mod. I can't wait to get that mod!


I have my Valby maxed with 11 catalysts and now seeing what this Tran mod actually does, I’m going to farm void frags to get the pieces and then boom, start hitting that reactor. Definitely looking forward to seeing how this goes!


There's nothing hidden or bugged about that feature. The text in the skill modules for several of them are outdated and/or vague about their full effects. When you slot a skill module in, their skills on the left side of the screen turn green and you need to read those to see all the actual effects the transcendent skill modules do. That green gun icon on the left side by her skills shows that her skill rate and gun rate get a 20% flat increase instead of a +X% increase.
