UPDATED BEST VALBY BUILD (Mobbing & Bossing) // The First Descendant Ultimate Valby

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Yoo guys, today we are going over my updated guide for Valby! This will be covering ultimate valby specifically, and I have a previous guide for normal valby. Hope you guys enjoy the build breakdown for one of my favorite characters! Cheers.

0:00-0:52 Showcase
0:52-1:54 Ultimate Valby
1:54-2:49 Valby Trans Mods
2:49-3:51 Reactors
3:51-4:52 Budget Build
4:52-7:32 Mobbing Build
7:32-10:19 Hydrobomb Build
10:19-11:41 Bossing Build
11:41-12:20 Mobbing Weapons
12:20-13:25 Components
13:25 Outro
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Bro you're a life saver i always make your builds they never failed me. Can't wait for my valby to finish crafting so i can try it.


The end game for these type of games is what you can create with what is provided and that is never ending


Very nice! cant wait to get the Ultimate


I can’t wait till the updated ultimate gley build


An important note is Supply Moisture is currently bugged and even though gliding around lights up the passive it WILL NOT APPLY to the initial instance. You have to already be standing in water before using abilities and THEN you get the crit buff.


Sick mobbing build! Thanks for the uploads Mox, i wonder if u can make a rly good Esimo build, i just got him and spend my full day cookin up build for him.


I can’t wait till they fix this socket issue, not being able to make multiple builds on Descendants/Weapons is just painful. Please just let us swap them to what you would like once you have unlocked them 🤞🏽

Hydro pressure could be so much better with fusion investment but we don’t have that option if we want to run supply moisture crit build and you’d be mad not to.


Hey Moxsy, thanks for all the effort you put into these videos. I came here to check for any upcoming content for Luna and since you are telling that you are grinding for her specific DPS mod i just wanted to give you a heads up: you believe it is only changing the 2nd ability, it does not. It changes all of them to exactly the same spell with stacking buffs depending on which key you press. It might be usefull on a max-build for crit damage, but that is about it. You can't buff anything any more and every spell is exactly the same while the damage output you receive in return is fairly low. While using the mod, I feel like I am a more animated but weaker Bunny without the movement speed.

I would love to get any fun out of playing Luna, but i feel she is extremely exhausting and not really all that rewarding to play. I feel like the experience of playing her is so far below anything that could have been. I am looking forward to your opinion on her and i do hope you can make her redeemable to me. Music based-characters tend to be my favourites since i just love videogame soundtracks and playing them on instruments myself, but Luna is so far off anything i can vibe with in terms of gameplay and feels, it is downright frustrating. She should very much be my thing, but it just does not work for me. So i wonder if i am doing anything wrong, i hope i am.

PS: As a sidenote, i am not saying she is weak. Her buffs are nice and useful. I only refer to the experience of playing her.


Parts are in the oven. Will have her Sunday morning. Amazingly easy to grind out.


Damn is this Ultimate valby showcase or Enduring Legacy showcase 😂🤣


The hydro pressure bomb mod should be the basic 2, the movement feels better


Im thinking gregs is gonna be really nasty on her for bossing but gotta build it up and wait till next week for a reactor


Idk if I’m crazy or not but when I was using focus on non attribute and dimension, it wasn’t changing her modifiers or damage at all but technician was.


Anyone know where to get Shot Focus doesn’t say anything in acquisition info. Also my Hydro Pressure Bomb bugged and is called Cold Cohesion just incase anyone has come across the same bug


new moxsy video and valby build with bikini good day!! thanks moxsy!


Waiting Nazeistras Devotion build!!! :D


I want to see if spiral tidal wave can turn her bubble bullet into a boss melter. Bubble bullet already had good damage.


you mention specific rolls on specific set components near the end of the video. where can i see the possible rolls?


What a great timing, my ult valby will be ready in 5 hours. Thanks for the guide


Is there only me without Shot focus ? Impossible de get by combining..
