Life lessons from Existentialism Is a Humanism by Jean Paul Sartre

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Jean-Paul Sartre's Existentialism Is a Humanism is a philosophical essay that defends existentialism from its critics and outlines its central tenets. Sartre begins by addressing the accusation that existentialism promotes despair and meaninglessness. He counters this by emphasizing that existentialism places human freedom and responsibility at its core, arguing that life’s meaning is not pre-determined but is instead shaped by our actions. He famously declares that “existence precedes essence,” meaning humans first exist without any predefined purpose and must create their own essence through choices and actions.
Sartre argues that without a divine creator or set essence, humans are condemned to be free. This freedom, though liberating, can be overwhelming, as it requires individuals to take full responsibility for their actions and decisions. He critiques the tendency of individuals to fall into "bad faith," where they deny their freedom by pretending that their choices are dictated by external forces like fate or societal roles. Sartre insists that recognizing and embracing our freedom is essential to living authentically.
Existentialism, for Sartre, is a form of humanism because it places humans at the center of meaning-making. By rejecting pre-established values, Sartre argues that people can take full ownership of their lives and moral choices. This empowers individuals to take responsibility for not only themselves but also for all humanity, as each action contributes to shaping what it means to be human. In this sense, existentialism acknowledges the profound impact of personal actions on a collective scale.
Sartre also emphasizes the ethical dimension of existentialism, asserting that people must make choices while considering the broader implications for society. While existentialism grants individuals freedom, it also requires that they act with an awareness of how their decisions impact others. This moral responsibility arises from the interconnectedness of humanity, making existentialism not a selfish philosophy but one that demands consideration of others.
In conclusion, Sartre defends existentialism as a philosophy that champions human freedom, responsibility, and moral agency. By asserting that people must create their own meaning and values, he encourages individuals to live authentically and face the anxiety that comes with freedom. Rather than being nihilistic, existentialism offers a path toward self-determination, encouraging people to take ownership of their actions and shape the world through their choices.
Life Lessons from Existentialism Is a Humanism:
You Are Responsible for Your Life: Sartre teaches that we are entirely responsible for our choices and the lives we create. There is no external authority to dictate our purpose or values. This empowers us to take ownership of our decisions, but it also means we must bear the weight of our freedom.
Live Authentically: The idea of "bad faith" refers to deceiving ourselves by pretending that our actions are predetermined by external forces. Sartre encourages us to live authentically by embracing our freedom and making choices based on our true desires and values, rather than conforming to societal expectations.
Create Your Own Meaning: Existentialism rejects the notion of a pre-determined purpose. We are free to define what matters in our lives. By consciously deciding what gives our life meaning, we can live with a sense of purpose that is truly our own.

Take Responsibility for Others: Sartre emphasizes that our actions contribute to defining humanity as a whole. This means that our personal choices affect not only ourselves but also the world around us. We must take responsibility for how our actions impact others and society at large.
Embrace Freedom, Even If It’s Uncomfortable: Freedom can be overwhelming, leading to anxiety or fear because it requires us to constantly make choices. However, Sartre encourages us to embrace this discomfort because it is through freedom that we can live authentically and shape our lives according to our values.
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