Coloring Made Easy With Alcohol Markers - 5 Easy Techniques!

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Using alcohol markers can seem intimidating at first, but it shouldn't be. Using these markers on your projects is an easy way to add beautiful, bold colors that you just can't get any other way. In this video I'll share 5 simple ways to use Blends alcohol markers, so get those markers off your shelf and get to using them! We will use these markers to:

-Color with no blending
-Color with beautiful blending
-Create fun backgrounds
-Do a speckling technique by flicking rubbing alcohol onto a background
-Make artwork for backgrounds

#cardmaking #alcoholmarkers #cardmakingtechniques

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Anna, you are spot on with your conversation at the end. I don’t think people realize how powerful Satan is on this earth. We have to always guard our hearts. God is good, All the time!!!


God is the only truth we have. He is who we trust, God is in control and has a plan for us all. God bless you. Love and hugs


I agree with you 100%! So many bad things surround us. We can only trust God. Thank you Anna, for your courage to talk about this. Hugs and prayers. Cute cards, too!


God is truly leading you about topics💕💜💜


Thank you for the beautiful cards! The Lord is watching us and he give us what we need!
Thank you for your words and the Lord will bless you!


I love our talks. It has made me realize a lot of things I thought I was doing right were totally wrong and I have changed my attitudes on a lot of things and let a bunch of things go. Let the people that were making me crazy do their own thing and not let it affect me. Thank you for these talks, it has made me more compassionate. Keep on having these talks and I wish the best for you and what is going on in your life.


Thanks for sharing from your heart. Each one of us have own walk with the Lord, yet He will direct your path as well. Go about doing the king’s business.💕 thanks again for sharing this with us.


I so agree, how much better off we were before cell phones and computers! Our finest youthful days were spent outside playing ball, hopscotch, jacks, and red rover with our friends. Going to church on Sundays worshiping God and fellowship with others. Thank you for your honesty!


Omg. Anna your cards are adorable, I can’t wait to until I get my stamp set and play with it. I so enjoy your chats. You’re absolutely right about evil is all around us.


Lots of good information for everyone. Thanks for sharing! 🤗


You are so right Anna. On all things, food, medication etc. God bless you and your family.


I LOVE the new animal stamps and dies. Your cards are so colorful and cute!!

As always your chat at the end is so relevant. We are really seeing how far off the path our society, country, world… is.
Faith is our only weapon and we have to exercise and strengthen it all the time.
If we think about it- if we label it- the food in the grocery store contributes to and perpetuates greed, gluttony, sloth…. which are all on the evil side that is common to man. Anything that is easy and instantly gratifyingly is usually the opposite of what we should be doing.

Thanks for your thoughts. You always make me think.


I have always loved coloring with crayons, and later with color pencils. Each season, just a few weeks before Christmas, we would get a BIG Christmas Coloring book and new crayons. When I went to the hospital to deliver my first child (1972), I was 21 years old, and in my suitcase/gag, I also had a coloring book and a new box of crayons. OH


Amen Anna! Your talk hit it on the head again!! So true, and keep up the good work!


I love your talks! I also love the fact that you tell people they can leave if you want to.
We had rabbit ears. Had to put your hand on em most of the time to make em work properly
The evil in this world is crazy. I am so glad my kids are raised. I couldn’t imagine trying to do it now. It was definitely an easier world before the internet.
Helping in the community can be good but you have to weigh the pros and cons. I ran myself ragged for a couple of years and had the same realization. You have to help yourself and be healthy before you can help others. I’m now having the same conversation with my son. He isn’t happy which absolutely kills me. He is 23 and figures he should be way ahead of where he is. So trying to help him get in the right head space. It’s very challenging. Thanks for the talk and thanks for letting me vent a bit. ❤


Just a heads up, you have become my demonstrator on Stampin up. My cousin quit so I needed someone else. I don’t order much so I won’t make you rich😊. I live in Utah.


Love the cards, especially your backgrounds! Your discussion was interesting… especially some of your walk down memory lane (rabbit ears and good food around the perimeter of the grocery store). Discernment is important for sure!


I think he’s a woodchuck and he’s so adorable!


Love your beautiful backgrounds using your alchol markers turning them into beautiful cards.


What you have said in your chat is so so right! The Bible tells us that satan is tricky and sneaky. We have to be on guard every day! Thank you for pointing that out to us!!
