How Bad Do You Want It? (Success) HD

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"When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you'll be successful"

Speech by Eric Thomas (AKA ET The Hip Hop Preacher).
Inspirational video featuring Giavanni Ruffin (player for the Seattle Seahawks).

More from ET The Hip Hop Preacher:
Eric Thomas on Instagram: ETTHEHIPHOPPREACHER
Eric Thomas on Twitter: @EricThomasBTC
Eric Thomas on Periscope: Eric ThomasBTC (Free broadcast/sessions each and every Tuesday evening)
Eric Thomas on Facebook: Eric Thomas

I do not own this video, nor am I in any way affiliated with Greyskale Multimedia. All credit goes to them. I originally saw this video in Vimeo, I just wanted to share it with YouTube and have GSK's full permission to do so.
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For all the people reading this, I hope you become successful in your life!


8+ years later and still hits home every time.


I'm ten days sober and clean. I want it bad! This time it's for real.


I was almost 400 pounds I woke up 3 A.M to work out because I was ashamed to be seen in the shape I was in. I put this Video on every morning and hit the gym. I dropped over 100 pounds in 2013. 3 years later I've kept the weight off. I will NEVER go back. NEVER.


I watched this video in high school 10 years ago. It motivated me to overcome the shyness of stepping into the gym. 10 years later, going strong in my local gym.


Shout out to whoever is back for this video💪💪💪hopefully we all make it one day, NEVER GIVE UP👑👑👑


5 moths clean, working out again. Life's worth it!


My gold fish watched this, he's a shark now.


My friend showed me this video when I was 16. That was about 6 years ago when being a doctor was a mere dream to me. This video moved me. I had "how bad do you want it?" written on my bedroom wall for the rest of high school. I am now in my fourth year of medical school.


It's been 10 years since I watched this video! Every now and then, I come back to it to remind myself of my goals and what I'm focused on. And guess what? In those 10 years, I got hitched, bought a house, ran four marathons, became a proud parent of a baby boy, and really advanced in my career. It just goes to show that anything is possible when we put our minds to it and truly want it.




Found this video 3 years ago. Went from drug addict to physiotherapist. Couldnt have started my journey without you. Love from germany


Checking in 9 years later. Currently fighting for a career! I’m tired, hungry and in pain but most importantly still driven.


I’m glad I pulled through, despite the crises. I am retiring next yr at 55 with 3 houses paid off worth 4.5 million . One is my place of residence the other 2 properties will give me $80, 000per/yr rent . I will have an income stream of $20, 000 per yr through my super which gives me total $100, 000 a yr to live comfortably . I have no debts ... Stay Motivated!!


Man, it's so crazy how time flies. I just came back to this video after 4 years of not seeing it. Oh boy, the memories, the feelings. I remember watching this video 24/7 at 21 years of age, no clue of what I wanted to be in life. All I had was the gym and basically this video. I was so lost, but this video gave me hope. Hope and the motivation to go out and at least DO SOMETHING. Guess what, 4 years later, I'm still lost - but a different kind of lost. I feel like I'm a bit more in place, more mature. I have found something that is making me enough money to live and gives me a sense of fulfillment. I have a healthy relationship. And to be honest guys, that's 99% of what you need in life to be happy. I'll come back in 4 years with another update.


I needed this motivation just so I can get up and feed my dog


I remember watching this video at 12 I'm 23 now 😢


Why are we all coming back to this at the same time? Maybe it’s time to evolve. Maybe we need it. Regardless, I am proud of every single one of you. Am praying for and believing in every one of you. To the ones that are successful and the ones that are struggling. You got this. Don’t hurt to quit. Get that reward. 💪 much love y’all 🙏


I was 275 and decided to join the Army, I woke up every day at 5:30 to run 2 miles, slowly and puking but I did it, 2 turned to 3, 3 to 4 and then to 5, boiled and grilled lean meats and portioned, it was hard, people laughed and asked if I was serious that I wanted the Army, I was 23 they said I was too old, I got down to 215, started doing 2 push-ups got to 96 did no sit-ups my first day, I couldn't, I do 85 now I left Army basic training at 203 and it was one of the proudest moments of my life, cause I earned it, every painful step, every mile, every time I wanted to fuck up my diet, I stood my ground not I'm about to enter the firefighter academy and all because I fucking love the grind, the process is more important than the progress focus on consistency and you'll get results, not the other way


"You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else." - Albert Einstein
