How To Get A Perfect 36 on the ACT Reading Test - 5 Tips and Strategies From A Perfect Scorer

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Are you struggling on the ACT Reading? Is your score stuck? Are you always running out of time? In this video, Matt shares 5 expert tips for how you can crush the Reading Test and get a perfect score. Learn the same tips, strategies, and test-taking techniques that have helped 13 of my private tutoring students score a perfect 36 on the ACT Reading Test in 2022. I will also show you one of my favorite strategies and approaches for the ACT Reading Test for 2023 that has helped many of my students who struggle with time management get faster on the ACT Reading Test.

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0:00 Introduction
0:52 Tip #1 - Understand the ACT Reading Test
1:39 Tip #2 - Find Your Best Strategy
2:05 Label Then Read Method
4:00 Tip #3 - Know How To Spot The Easy Questions
4:29 Tip #4 - Answer Broad Passage Questions Last
5:05 Tip #5 - Pace Yourself Correctly
6:02 How To Get A 36 On ACT Reading
7:00 The 9-Minute Drill
7:48 Final Tip - Think Independently!
Рекомендации по теме

1. Understand how the test works - all the answers should have direct evidence supporting them. Don't pick an answer based of implications that it says
2. Find your strategy
Label then read method:
- Go to questions, look for line numbers, and label them on the passage. (15-20 seconds)
- While you're reading the passage and are close to a label, pre-read its corresponding question so you can answer them as you go
- saves time compared to answering them all at the end

3. Spot Easy Question (Clear Evidence Quesiton)
- Questions w/ words like, Indicates, states, as described in the passage, etc
- answer is a simple restatement or word for word whats in the passage

4. Skip, Save broad passage questions for last
5. Pace Yourself
- 8:45 per passage
- If you can't find the answer in 30 seconds, guess and come back

6. 9-Minute drill
- do a passage for 9 minutes,
- go back and see what and why you got wrong before going on to the next passage

7. Think for yourself
- "Does this approach work for me"
- keep working on the one for YOU not what someone else says is best


Thank you! For these tips, my ACT is this Saturday.


My reading is at a 30 rn and my english is at a 33, I'm hoping to get perfects on those because I know it'll be much easier to do that while aiming for 30+ on my other two (weaker) sections, thank you so much for these videos


these tips actually worked got a 31 first time as an eighth grader


Great tips! I’m so close to 36 on reading and english ! (34’s in december)


I did the research to find the very best ACT tutor and program for my son who has always struggled in reading comprehension. My intention was to hire a tutor to work only on the reading portion. After zooming with Matthew he explained to me that it would be best to work on all 4 categories to improve his score. He said sometimes it's easier to get your strong subjects to improve versus your weakest subject. My very resistant son agreed to do the program and some private sessions with Matthew. His overall ACT score went from a 27 to a 32. He improved in all 4 categories and the most in reading. After scoring a 21 twice in reading, he scored a 32. This program is legit, we couldn't be more pleased! We have 4 children and have tried many other programs and this is by far the best!


These are great tips! I have my ACT with writing next week, what are some things I should do before the test? Any advice for the writing portion? Thank you so much!!


I am preparing for act science english and reading 1 day before test how about that


Hi can you do a video on science section


ACT tests organized in my country is online test only, no paper tests. This means that I can't make memos on passages, and one question is provided on screen at one time, no ways to see multiple questions at once. In your tutoring course, are there reading strategies for online ACT tests?


Hello Sir, I am going to be taking the PreACT test and I am finding it hard to understand wordy passages. Because of this, I lose focus on the passage and get the wrong answer, is there a way to understand these wordy passages??


Who ended up getting 36 after watching this video none 😂


can I just borrow your brain for a day?
