Tips for Harvesting Peppers - Pepper Geek

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This video is all about harvesting peppers - there are a few things we thought we would share to keep in mind while you're picking your peppers. From picking early to ripening off of the plant, we cover some helpful tips for harvesting peppers and getting the most from your plants.

Harvesting peppers video:

When to pick banana peppers (article):

Thanks for watching Pepper Geek!
#peppers #harvest #whentopick #gardening
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I just started overwintering peppers last year. Really excited about how much I'm getting out of these plants now. I'm making a shelf system in the back windows to around 50 pepper plants this winter. I'm only experimenting with eight types of pepper but I am on my way to becoming obsessed 😘🥳


Silly me planted 12 thai chilies and they are starting to ripen. Literally 1000+ peppers. My plan is to put into a freezer bag till I have enough to make a hot sauce. Not counting the few a day I just eat because, well, that's the fun part. Eat a chili, followed by a caramel or chocolate, then a sip of wiskey. Try it.


What I tend to do after harvesting peppers is to rub my eyes immediately after. 🌶 👁


Where I live the last frost date is usually in November. So in October I start taking out unproductive plants and moving in-ground plants into areas I can more easily cover them, moving smaller ones into pots. For temperatures down to about 28F, (around -2C) covering with thin plastic is usually enough to protect them; mature plants can often survive 30F (-1C) on their own.

If I get caught with a really bad freeze coming, I'll cut off whole branches that have peppers on them and put them into a watering can indoors. They will continue to ripen for weeks, much better than they would if picked.


Peppers are the most beautiful plants, imo. My jalapenos look bonsai-ish


i love your timing on vids. Releasing the right info just before that info is needed but still with time to spare 👍
Also wanted to say a big THANK YOU! This year was my first year growing anything (got given Anaheim Pepper seedlings) and i managed to get over 30 peppers from 2 plants so far with your advice and info! i genuinely don't think i could have done it without you so again Thank You!
I hope to see many more peppers come in through the end of the season :D


5:53 Yes, I never water for up to a week before picking peppers or tomatoes. The flavor is greatly enhanced! Proven over several years. I can't notice any difference on other vegetables although local farmers say that they won't water for up to two weeks before harvesting sweet corn which I don't grow.


I'm really enjoying your channels.


I did 12 chili varieties this year and was watching this channel and was like, "yo, you haven't scraped the surface of varieties." thanks for the fun content, I'll try to up my game next year.


Currently harvesting one of my Moruga scorpions in the north east of England. Plant has about 25 fruits on with some turning red. Grown from seed in Jan, 5ft tall now!


Fully mature peppers are generally more flavorful pop with color. So heck yes, I prefer to pick most of my peppers fully ripe as well. With that said, my variegated Poblano types are stunning when green and white or green and yellow striped. Colors often transition into beautiful oranges, yellows, and even purples with stripes and sometimes multiple colors at once... so much depends on the peppers genetics. Thanks for sharing as usual my friend. You are spot on as usual.


I live in CANADA and just harvested 16!! a few more too grow yet! I grow in pots so they can maximize their SUN exposure!
I do nothing special just lots of conversation & music! Don’t give up cause of this Canada geek can grow..So can You!
(and by the way these papers are from 1 pepper that I dried over the winter) Keep up with The Geeks they ROCK PEPPERS!!! 🥰


Thanks for all the great tips and tricks. I love my peppers I’ve got about 20 different varieties going this year.


Thanks for another high-quality video! I like to keep peppers in the refrigerator once fully ripe in an unsealed plastic bag -- given how many varieties I grow, I have 3 bags, labeled "mild", "medium", and "hot". Refrigeration lets fresh peppers stay good for weeks rather than days. If they start getting soft they must be eaten or frozen.


Thank you for all this valuable info, favorite pepper duo!


I would love a video on some ideas of what to do with the peppers rather than just eating them. I have more than I can just eat so looking forward to that. Love the channel, thanks. Cheers from Cleveland, OH


Looking forward to the pepper tests!good video.


Last year I had a couple of stubborn Cream Fantasy peppers that absolutely refused to ripen. I plucked them off the plant and threw them into an airtight container with a ripe banana. The ethylene gas given off the banana definitely ripened the peppers right up!


Love your advice!!! First year of growing!!! I have done so much better than I ever imagined! Thank you:)


Having seven hot pepper plants growing in pots sure brings in plenty of hot spice!! Thank you, Pepper Geekers!! Lol
