Landlords are evil for raising rents

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Landlords get a lot of hate for being greedy and raising rents

they say we are taking advantage of poor people with no choice but to rent from us.

And this outlook is pretty far from the truth.

In my case, I’ve made less money each year I’ve been a landlord, because I’m raising rents slower than my expenses rise.

Every year all my expenses get higher. property taxes, insurance, repairs, supplies, things like roofs and new AC units. Much more expensive each year.

And here’s another news flash, most landlords arent rich, most are just average joes trying to find good ways to invest their money.

And lots lose money trying. especially if they don’t follow me

#realestateinvesting #montgomeryalabama #propertymanagement #realtors #landlord #tenant
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You're rich if you have the privilege of owning not just your own home but someone else's home too. "Rich" doesn't just mean liquid assets, but the amount you have overall.


Gotta make those single mothers pay up 💪💪


Don’t try to get all of your needed money from your tenants. Maybe seek other avenues and don’t put all your problems on the tenants.IJS ❤


But rents pay the mortgage so even as your net income decreases so does your risk (with multi year tenants which is why you don't raise rates) and your equity rises ☠️
