Build and Deploy Navbar Dropdown Navigation with Tailwind CSS and Next.js #reactjs #nextjs
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#reactjs #nextjs #tailwindcss #typescript #nextjs13 #reactwithutkarsh #frontendmentor #frontenddeveloper #responsive #landingpage s #darkmode #props #usestate #dashboard #challange
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Social Details
0:00 - 0:47: Intro & Project Overview
1:26 - 3:57: Initial Project Setup
3:57 - 6:01: Creating Navbar & Styling
6:01 - 14:06: Building Navbar Sections
14:06 - 24:15: Dynamic Data for Navigation
26:27 - 28:04: Tailwind Debug Screens
30:00 - 33:03: Mobile Navigation Logic
39:49 - 46:17: Responsive Hero Section Design
46:17 - 48:04: Deployment to Vercel
Other Video's
Social Details
0:00 - 0:47: Intro & Project Overview
1:26 - 3:57: Initial Project Setup
3:57 - 6:01: Creating Navbar & Styling
6:01 - 14:06: Building Navbar Sections
14:06 - 24:15: Dynamic Data for Navigation
26:27 - 28:04: Tailwind Debug Screens
30:00 - 33:03: Mobile Navigation Logic
39:49 - 46:17: Responsive Hero Section Design
46:17 - 48:04: Deployment to Vercel
Build and Deploy Navbar Dropdown Navigation with Tailwind CSS and Next.js #reactjs #nextjs
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