5 Major Mistakes Most Musicians Make | Why Musicians Fail

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Want to know why the majority of musicians fail? Here’s 5 reasons why we think some independent artists aren’t getting the exposure they deserve.

The modern music industry is complex but the opportunities are endless. However, a large percentage of musicians aren’t using the right tools on offer, have the wrong mind set or are missing a few simple things, which could transform their career over night. So in this video, Maddy outlines 5 major mistakes most musicians are making and if avoided, could mean you streams grow, your followers increase and you get the fan base you fully deserve.

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Great video thank you. I just dont see how all the douches have fans when they are clearly douches 🤣


wow, i was expecting to have 5 new things i need to change after watching this, but now i know im actually on a good track and know what to lookout for in the future.


How to SUCCEED as a musician. Do performing at open mic, or apply to play at festivals, put flyers out, get a easy to carry around banner or billboard, upload music to websites. Create your own radio station, or apply to be a DJ. See job done


Yes I do, I worry far too much about my image, and I get let down when people arent vibin with what I make


Obsessing over perfection should have made the list. It has been brutal to me. I recently got out of a band that would nit-pick everything to death. As a result we have a hard drive full of unreleased material that will never see the light of day. I was guilty too. Fells good to be out of that. The new project is going much better.


After about a year of working on the business side of my music, I can honestly say now that I don't really exhibit any of these mistakes except for sometimes the feeling that I deserve lots of hits! I do lots of work on my music and have been working at it for a very long time, and have released lots of music, and sometimes you get the feeling like it should have happened by now. But I'm able to now measure the improvements that I've made, and see growth within myself so I feel that way less and less now


This video was so useful thankyou for this 💯


I definitely struggle with branding. I hate spending time on social media, it's just not where I want to put my effort, and I think it's horrible that this is what's needed.


Yes I do, the image is the hardest part because I want every post to be perfect so much to the point where I barely post. This is more inspiration to start posting anyways


Still practicing how to be vulnerable with my music


Good tips but 3 years later CDs and vinyls are still selling at my and my artist friends’ shows 👏


Who the fuck just unliked this video???? Shame on you! I have just double liked !
Thank you Burstimo!

My mistake is always try to prove people that I'm good enough


Greatt advice and low-key fancy you and your vibe !!!!


Yes I do, I obsess over my image and what people think way too much that I'm too scared to put my music out there.


I’m guilt of the image thing sometimes. I care about the aesthetic of my feed more than putting out more content at times. But also, how can I make more content without having to always do talk-to-camera content, or motivational/educational content? My followers respond more to that than posts about the actual music sometimes. I don’t know when/how that can shift in the other direction. Any ideas?


Oh and for everyone watching: all you need to know about the music industry is a great resource as well, available on audible!


Again very useful :) I disagree with the 'no point in physical' mentality for my genre though. I write/play folk rock. If I'm honest with myself, I'm not likely to appeal to the younger crowd in the huge numbers but more to people 25 and older according to my stats (so far). I've found the older crowd still like a physical copies so I'm of a mind to have both for that reason. If I was a grime artist, I'm sure it would be vastly different haha.


Yes i do, i always dont know where to step to move forward


I'm 19 and I've decided this year to start singing and learning music, and I'm doing a great process. But seriously the only thing that tells me to stop, is that because I don't have any musical background, and I feel like I'm too late to start such a thing, and I would never be able to go anywhere with these small skills, and that's because all musicians that I know are great because they have started since an early age. I really wish there's people here or there who can relate to this:(


Damn, #4 really got to me. So much truth to this video.
