[Devblog] APHE Damage Changes

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The jumbo has fallen, billions must attack the d point.


If Gaijin wants to do this they NEED a massive, comprehensive BR change for mid tier in particular and most of the game in general. And we know they don't.


"Less cupola abuse"

Spookston aint gonna like that


British and French mains are delighted for this, while other nations especially German, Japanese or Swedes will not be happy


Soviet mains are gonna hate it.

British mains are gonna love it.


Man, APHE getting nerfed? Not gonna lie, this makes British mains less depressed about Solid Shot.


huge buff to german tanks with the cupola changes


Tigers and panthers lowkey indestructible within a single shot now you less you hit the ammo


With any luck, this means the 76 Shermans will be a similar BR to the Fireflies. Worse gun but better gun handling. Then, once things are approximately realistic, then you can use BR changes and spawn point costs, or more creative solutions for balancing.

Fix late Brit HESH too.


I'm all for it on paper. The current homogenous massive sphere of shrapnel is overly lethal and too forgiving of poor shot placement or cheesy "weakspots" like cuppolas and it's a disservice to newbies who suddenly reach the era of HEAT then APDS and APFSDS only to realize they know nothing of proper first shot placement (to disable/kill targets efficiently).

And it's always been recognized as irrealistic too.

I'm curious to see how it affects verious APHE calibers. Right now huge calibers like 122 are at a big disadvantage when 85 to 105mm reload 2 to 3 times faster for essentially the same one-shot capabilities. If the change impacts smaller caliber harder than larger ones, that would be a good thing too.


Always thought being able to nuke an entire tank by shooting the cupola was dumb, especially since even 30mm aphe from autocannons can do it. I hope aphe shells that go all in in damage at the cost of penetration won't become useless, aphe with enough explosive mass should still nuke tanks, but tiny 30mm aphe shouldn't deal more damage than 120mm solid shot


I agree personally, APHE is completely unrealistic and is over performing to a ridiculous degree, it’s still going to overpressure if it has over 150g of filler, and it should still deal more damage than AP, but there will need to be BR changed because tanks like the Jumbo won’t be able to knock out Tigers as easily, hopefully this will also lead to an APCR rework and more people using different shells


I feel that, regardless of how this affects gameplay, this should implemented into Simulator... you know, being the defacto 'as real as it gets' experience in WT, & all. It'd also stop Germans from nuking Italian Shermans or Japanese Jacksons from across the map... without being able to respond first.

If this were implemented, a massive amount of BR changes would be in order;

Weird examples like the LVT, Ka-Mi & Ka-Chi would suddenly be not that impressive, given that "big empty eats your APHE" wouldn't work anymore.

Meanwhile at 5.7, the majority of tanks only have the option of cupola poking Tiger H1's if they angle, meaning the Tiger would be seeing another uptier. Hell, cupola poking is useful on quite a number of SPGs as well.

The M3 Lee might unironically get noticeably better with APHE no longer cleaning out the entire vehicle.

This change, on face value, is a buff to vehicles with heavy armour & a nerf to vehicles with light but awkward armour layouts. Obviously there's nuances with special cases where unlikely candidates get a buff or nerf, but I could only think of the Lee - I'm not bright, I just play the game idk.


gaijin continuing to forget that shrapnel inherits the velocity of the projectile and doesn't just magically eminate from a stationary point


I find misleading subtitles in the video, here is a few corrections:
"APHE shell head will act as mini AP rounds *after penetration* "
"notice how no 'sphere of explosives' radically reduced the damage" : The 'sphere of explosives' remain the same (as they say it's insignificant), it's the fragment distribution which is important. With the rework it shows less lateral shrapnel.


Everybody is talking about Germany and Russia, but mid tier America is now being hella nerfed
Now angled tigers and panthers are even harder to deal with


BatChat and AMX 50 TO90/930 getting reduced down by a tier? Their only reason for being higher than their peers is literally because of the APHE


😂tbh imma vote yes because F it! Gotta spice up the gameplay someway if we not gonna get too many map changes, or decompression.

If people have a problem with this realistic change. Then you should advocate for every shell to have an HE factor in it regardless of if it did in real life. If you think the APHE should stay the way it was for “balance” regardless of accuracy.


we need to play with these changes implemented before we can make a decision.


I thought the HE component of APHE would spread more like a cone in the direction of travel due to inertia, not radially outwards...

This is at least from what I've gathered from simulation videos.
