Minnesota Nurses On Strike: Valuing Profits Over Patients Themselves? What You Need To Know

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The Minnesota Nursing Association Strike has started. 15,000 Nurses across the twin cities and twin ports have walked out of the hospital and have been picketing demanding the hospitals put profits over patients. The primary demands from the nurses are that they provide safer patient ratios, safety measures for the hospital in general, and that they raise nurses pay. Many have criticized the MNA Nurses Strike 2022 because they find that nurses are demanding too much money, or have stated that nurses are the actual cause of the increased prices they are experiencing as patients. Today we discuss the realities of what nurses are asking for and evaluate if it's too much. What do you think about the Minnesota Nurse Strike? Are the nurses or the hospital being unreasonable

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We rejected the mediator because when we did mediate on grids, the mediator burned us by disclosing confidential information to the employer, and was subsequently fired.


For years nurses have put up with deplorable working conditions it’s about time we stood up for ourselves.


I hope they get their raise! The hospital probably pays BIG BUCKS for travel nurses anyway. If they paid their nurses a fair wage and had decent nurse/patient ratios the nurses would have never struck in the first place.


I left healthcare almost 10 years ago. I live right next to one of the hospitals involved and speaking to these nurses really showed me that things have only gotten worse since I left. I’m so proud that they are demanding what they deserve, and I hope they get everything they’re asking for. How can these hospitals pay $10k a week for travel nurses in this time but they can’t bother to pay their union nurses even a quarter of that??? We desperately need to socialize healthcare asap


Mn Nurse here, trust we didn’t want to strike. We wanted a fair and safe work environment


Hats off to Minnesota nurses for striking. Yes more power nurses


I am non-nurse in Duluth, MN and find all of this interesting and enlightening, keep up the good work and I hop the Nurses Union get what the are asking for, they all definitely deserve it!


Hoping paramedics can find a way to unionize and follow suit. The pay is also horrendous. Unfortunately, no-strike clauses for public safety makes it difficult to get anywhere regardless. Good for the nurses. Hopefully it encourages a wave of change


Yeah very true, hiring travel nurses doesn’t make any sense, hospitals prefer to pay thousands to them and not pay the staff a decent wage… meanwhile the staff gets a few cents raise.


I am a nurse in a northern MN hospital. The hospitals in the twin cities had decreased their hospitals to 25% capacity in the week leading up to t he strike, and the wait times in their ERs were reported to be 14 hours. We couldn't transfer critical patients and had to hold many in our ER, so I highly doubt their transition was smooth! I fully support the striking nurses.


Nursing is still 90% female-Pink Ghetto
My sister is a teacher in CA and did NOT work for 1 year during covid and got PAID!!!! Also when she returned to the classroom she got a 8000.00 bonus! I worked during covid with no PPE, on call daily, NO bonus, 10 bucks extra for crisis pay that lasted 2 weeks, No thank you card during nursing week no pizza, told if I get covid I can’t work for 2 weeks and the hospital will NOT pay for those 2 weeks but I could use my PTO🙄—My mission: I showed my niece the contrast of my experience as a staff nurse vs my sister’s as a teacher and said are you sure you want to be a nurse? My niece left her nursing PreReqs for Teaching 😊 AND loves her choice!


I'm a MN nursing student in my senior year - thank you so much for covering this! Our clinicals are all paused during the strike: my nursing instructors refuse to cross the picket line, too. I am so excited and proud to get to work alongside these nurses in less than a year!


Minnesota had a fatal shooting in one of these systems clinics. It is triggering that providing safety measures is optional and people even dare to say that nurses should pay for it out of pocket.


I am not a Healthcare person yet. Strongly considering the journey to attain an RN spring 2023. I appreciate your channel as I am gathering all the information available regarding this field. 😀


It's so dangerous these days. And the profits aren't even going back into the hospital. What's the excuse for hospitals not having updated ventilation systems? Or sufficient parking. Or have enough PPE for their staff. When hospitals are sacrificing patients care and them putting all the blame on nurses. Hospitals are lacking so much bc they are pushing profits over safety 😪


I am not a healthcare person, but I love your channel and I adore gas-lighting bingo, please keep that around. I’m in the line of work represented by Actor’s Equity and SAG/AFTRA, and I am rooting for all the nurses in my home state. I have a sister who is a teacher and unfortunately the union branch where she works is….not great, very click-y, which is poop because we are both very pro-union.
Anyway, you wanted to know if there were “lay people” out here watching and learning, and I’m proof that there are. Thank you for your informative and entertaining chats!


I tell all my friends and family to never go into the hospital by themselves for the same reasons you cite and have been doing so for years. This ongoing problem of abuse of nurses by the healthcare systems is truly horrifying. Glad you are posting this along with the CFO salaries. I sure am wondering why the reporters completely neglect to post these points. The public does not know.


I mean... ...I understand why this happened. I'm not a nurse, but I lived in a hospital for almost 2 years (23 months), and I saw nurses get attacked by patients who had dementia/Alzheimer's almost every day. (I don't have dementia, incidentally, but a brain injury.) Edit: This was The Montford Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, if anybody is curious and wants to read reviews by nurses/patients online.


You’re awesome! I used to live in MN, my childhood best friend is a nurse in Minneapolis.. I should ask her how she is .. but anyway I’m so proud of these nurses. I hope Texas nurses can grow some balls soon😁 would love a union to help these patients out 🙏🏻


I wish I didn’t want to continue to be a nurse ….. people really need to know how horrible healthcare is so thank you. Love you Liz!
