How to Attract Birds with Birdbaths - Hank's Hints - Tough Grit

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Editor-in-Chief Hank Will goes over the basics of birdbaths and how to attract birds to them. Having a shallow area for the birds to wade in is important as well as keeping it open so that they can fully see what's coming into the area and feel safe. Many varieties and styles of birdbaths are available that can be placed on the ground, in the garden or on a pedestal. Following Hank's basic tips and keeping the birdbath clean will be sure to provide endless avian entertainment throughout the season. Hank's Hints on birdbaths and how to attract birds is featured in episode 13 of Tough GRIT: "The Birds and the Trees."

Most folks love to watch birds, and some mark the seasons with their songs, but did you know bird numbers have been declining for decades? Sure, you put out a few feeders and a birdbath for water, but what our feathered friends really need is sustaining habitat. And that's where you and I can really make a difference. Visit the link above for more information.

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Рекомендации по теме

Thanks for the tips
Should I put the bird bath near the bird feeder ?


Where did you get that bird bath it looks like a good one?
