12 Hours Super Deep Brown Noise | Sleep, Study, Focus | NO ADS

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12 Hours Super Deep Brown Noise | Sleep, Study, Focus | NO ADS

— Brown noise, also known as "brownian noise" or "brown noise," is a type of sound characterized by its passive nature, continuous emission, and wide frequency spectrum, creating a stable and soothing auditory environment for sleep and relaxation. Below are some features and examples of brown noise:

— Frequency: Brown noise contains various frequencies ranging from below 20 Hz to above 20,000 Hz, producing a rich and natural sound.

— Evenness: Brown noise lacks sharp sound peaks or rapid fluctuations, instead generating a continuous and even sound, free from jarring or mood-altering qualities for the listener.

— Relaxation: Brown noise is often used to create a relaxing environment, reduce stress, and eliminate unwanted noises from the surrounding environment.

I hope that brown noise videos will help you achieve deep sleep and relaxation, alleviate insomnia, and relieve stress.

— The copyright is owned and produced by Brown Noise & Sleeping and is not for commercial use in any form.

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