How Much YouTube Paid Me with 1,000 Subs in 2024!

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Getting monetized on YouTube is a HUGE goal for a lot of creators. But how much can you actually expect to earn when YouTube finally lets you into the YouTube Partner Program? Let's break down what happened on my new channel this year after I got monetized with 1,000 subscribers on YouTube.

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Project 24 is our membership program that teaches you how to work toward replacing your current income with income from YouTube channels and websites in 24 months.

Project 24 is a product of Income School LLC. Results mentioned are not typical. The trademark “Project 24” refers to the goal of some people to create a successful business in 24 months, but is not a promise or guarantee of that success. Many online businesses fail because, like any business, it requires hard work, skill, and dedication. Before making business decisions, consult financial and legal professionals licensed in your jurisdiction.
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We would love your help by answering this question so we can help more channels succeed! If you’re monetized, how many videos did you publish before you got monetized? If you’re not, how many videos do you have now?


I got monetised after my first couple of videos. Reaction content has always done well on Youtube. And I'm able to monetise them because I edit in a way I can argue fair use. The content isnt on screen for any longer than 10 seconds before I cut away. I never show the whole episodes of what I am watching. I try and keep all music out of my reactions, so no intro songs to the shows or famous musical numbers.

My advice is to remember that your channel is a CHANNEL. Like on TV. If you want to do lots of different types of content, have different channels. Like we have sports channels, movie channels etc.

When you upload a video, youtube sends it to your current subscribers, if its not what they like or what they subscribed for, they wont click on it and Youtube wont then promote it further.

Consider your thumbnails: there should be an element of brand to them, something that lets everyone know its one of YOUR videos, while also telling them what they're about to watch.

Good luck everyone!!


I’m at 258 subs since April, feels about stuck at the moment, plan to just keep going and learning,
These videos and the stories in the comments give me hope


Thanks for sharing, i have 26 long form videos and 68 shorts. My channel currently has 231 subscribers 🎉


That's crazy, 12K subs with 36K views a month earns me about $15. I probably published 50 videos before I got monetized. Mostly just as an online portfolio with no intention of growing my channel.


Grateful for my 158 awesome subscribers! 🥰🙌 Your support keeps me going every day. Tough times come and go, but I’m here to stay, growing and improving for all of us. Let’s keep the journey going! 💪💫


Thank you so much for making this video!

We are on the road to 1k and monetisation. Started uploading in March and now we are at 652 subs! We are gunning for it!


This is really encouraging to see! I've been dealing with a stagnate channel for a few months, so seeing this video was really helpful. I've uploaded 97 videos (71 longform, 26 shorts) and have had enough subscribers for almost a year now; but at the moment it feels like I'm breaking even with the watch hours that I'm losing from last year. So thank you for this!


The struggle is real. New channel, new creator.


Great video. I’ve been on YT for over a year now. 109 videos mixed long form and shorts. Recently I’ve added some live streams. Still not monetized, I am seeing improvements just extremely slow. Lol


Got monetized around 45 long form vids over 16 months. I had a good vid about New Orleans that I was really proud of and it didn’t do well initially but it grew late! Agree with so much of what you shared!


I'm at 470 subs and 239 videos so far. Ive been on YouTube for two years already. I took some time off but I'm doing what I can to start building momentum again!


In my case, it was after 7 videos. But thanks to my "amazing" consistency, it took me a year and a half to upload them all ;)


Got 1.5k subs in our first month, only really have shorts uploaded at the moment though. Will be going all in on long form in the near future.


It took me 30 videos on two months to monetize.😊


16 videos, 296 subscribers, 450 watch hours, and serious effort starting August 7. Would love to have channel evaluated! Found a pretty unique niche without much competition…


I have 5 k videos 1k subscribers not monetized but I have a good community thats what's counts to me


So I started doing my videos end of October 2023 . I did a long form video a week .. missing only 2 or3 weeks total but I got partnered w/ 3000 hours with 750 subs with 43 videos end of August technically . So I need about 600 more hours and 195 more subs for the full monetization with ads . I’ve also started to do more than 1a weeks too


Great energy. I'm new on my journey. 34 videos, 274 subs. Just trying to focus on originality and providing value by really helping others with their game.


I've produced over 60 video's and am happy with the slow growth as there's nothing too exciting content on my channel for people to stay long... it's for those that love driving through scenery and weather.
Someday I'll do a blanket thumbnail session to see if it interests any new visitors.
Thanks for your video ❤
