Derm reviews The Ordinary Rosehip Oil #dermatologist @DrDrayzday

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Love rosehip oil, nothing makes my skin feel smoother


Love seeing these the ordinary shorts. Keep ‘em coming dr dray!


I absolutely love Rosehip oil. I’m 48 and on my second week. My skin looks incredible. Melasma is fading. I alternate it with The Ordinary’s Retinol in Squalene. I also use their Glycolic Acid toner before hand. Last night at happy hour I mentioned my BF 50 to a new acquaintance. She said “What?!? You date a 50 year old man?!??” As if it was inappropriate. I said “Ummm…..Yeah. I’m 48.” She couldn’t believe it.


Hi Dr Dray great to be here this evening as well as earlier today. Thanks for the info about this


I use Rosehip seed oil as my last step in a.m. and p.m. skin routine. My skin feels so soft and it glows


I love applying this after my tretinoin, moisturiser then the Rosehip to seal everything in. In the morning my skin is glowing.


Dr Dray please do more on
Ordinary, especially buffet copper peptides


Something interesting I found is that Rosa canina (the common variant including TO’s) is not confirmed to have retinoic acid, but the Rosa mosqueta/rubiginosa variants do (but only in traces, still)! So it is more worthwhile to use those oils instead.


What a coincidence😂 I just found one in my drawer few days ago lol 😂 totally forgot about it, but I can tell - it actually helps a lot. Recently I had very irritated skin, but it somehow makes my skin feel better and doesn't cause any pimples, which is weird because any oily substances always causing white bumps on my face within literally few hours after application. With this one I don't have any problems, except I can't use at the same time with my retinal, which I apply only as PM care


💯! 🌸🌸🌸 i loooove rosehip seed oil, rose absolut in jojoba, and making my own rosewater, but these are not magic "anti aging" products. I feel like my skin heals a bit better when i use it and I feel like it strengthens my barrier over time, but it doesn't erase wrinkles or fast track cell turnover. Wild and shrub roses are a huge part of my history and life and family and home, so using these products feel emotionally good & helps me feel connected to people I've lost, and that's good, but it's tempting to "go down the primrose path" lol, and decide that the happiness = super effective product. nope, just a decent oil that is a huge part of my self care routine. using rosehip seed oil with this mindset has really helped my facial dysphoria, tho, I think oils can be powerful at healing, but there's no magic, it's all mind stuff. btw, grocery store safflower & grapeseed oils, best pricing ever!!! safflower is my main base facial oil, I love jojoba too, but that price for safflower...$10 for *32 oz*


Rosehip Seed Oil has a special place in my heart as one of the first things I tried that actually made my skin feel so smooth to the touch.❤❤❤

My skin got suuuuper-sensitive last week (I think I might have mild rosacea, actually). Rosehip seed oil was literally the only thing I could put on my face without pain! What's crazy is that even plain petrolatum gave me a mild stinging sensation, but not that oil.🤷🏻‍♀️ So glad I had it on hand!

As my skin has been recovering, I've had a lot of luck mixing rosehip seed oil, a dab of petrolatum, and Krave's Oat So Simple water cream together in my palm to make a "customized moisturizer" that seems to work quite well for my dry skin.

Just started using 10% azelaic acid without any issues, so hopefully it keeps this from happening again and lets me avoid doctors for a little while longer.😆


I tried this and unfortunately it breaks me out. I kept trying, hoping it was just a coincidence since there are so many great reviews. And it did feel nice on my face. But every single time I would wake up with small white heads. So weird.


Their caffeine eye serum and copper peptidesare the beeessst!


Please review buffet copper peptide serum next💕⭐️


I know it's "boujee" but the Rituel De Fille Thorn Oil is to DIE FOR!!! I buy it when it's on the Ulta Sales because of the hefty price though. ❤


Does dr dray actually recommend using oils? I can’t remember. And, if so, in what order? I find it very confusing. Do they actually work, sink in and hydrate and penetrate? Etc 😊 or is it more a superficial kinda thing. Do they help wrinkles at all?


🤣🤣 the “natural retinol” claims on this oils being such a stretch is so true 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣finally an expert is addressing this issue. I’m so tired of hearing that 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


dr dray, iherb has fab prices on bigger bottles of rosehip oil. lol I almost didn't click this video, I thot "i don't know if I wanna mess around with other derms' advice now that Dray has my skin looking so good"... lucky me!!! #drdraysgoldbondgang heehee


I tried to add this into my routine to combat tretinoin dryness.
I've never broken out so bad in my life. Not for me at ALL.


Hi dr.dray I’d love to hear your thoughts on Kosmea’s rosehip oil. They claim to be a higher quality oil since they use the entire fruit and not just the skin
