Animal protein increases risk of death

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I believe the reason meat is bad is because they’re feeding them to much 🌽 corn. Cows nor chickens eat that much corn out in nature. Cows eat grass and chickens eat bugs and seeds.


I can say with certainty that Further studies will show a higher percentage. As a holistic nutritionist, the clients I see that consume the most animal products are the sickest/on the most meds, etc. I went plant-based 4 1/2 years ago and have not had so much as a cold since


I haven’t seen this particular study, however there seem, based on what Chris says here, to be way more questions than answers. What exact types of meat, standard, free-ranged, organic, beef, buffalo, deer, lamb, elk, pig, chicken, turkey, etc.? How much was actually consumed by the study participants? How was the meat prepared? How old and active were the participants? Health of participants? Did they also consume alcohol at the same time as eating the meat diet? There are hundreds more questions/factors that these studies just love to forget or never think to take into account. What about those who “claimed” not to eat meat? What kinda of fruit and veggies? How were the prepared? Were they standard, local, organic, etc. Was alcohol consumed by these individuals during this study? Age? Prior diets? Health of these participants? This study tells me nothing. In fact, time, the greatest test of all, confirms that human vegan’s live a shorter life than human what is the point. Need better studies! I’m open to all new information but studies like this are representative of our dumbed-down educational system. Please, do better.


Yes, and there's a big difference of pasture raised and regular store bought meat, HUGE difference.


does it depend on what the animals were fed?


I agree whole-heartedly
However wanted to ask if the study
was done on conventional meats or pastured meats?... HUGE difference-thx!!


There's no doubt. You're right


I am so glad so many of these studies are coming out. Plant Based Diets and Foods are Thriving like Never Before in History.


My functional medical doctor who chagres one leg and one arm whom I haven seen in like 6 out 7 years said no gains and no sugary fruits. I'm at a loss cuz that's another thing to eliminate goodness gracious. That's stress right there. High stress causes inflammation. Remember the Bible says at one point that their heads failed them because of fear? I fear food when I eat because it's so painful. And when I feel pain I feel fear because I don't want to be in that state. I need to work to live. ☹️


That's a good control group there. And let's not consider the quality of animal protein - that shouldn't factor into scientific study.


You didn't link the "study" you used. I suspect it's an observational study, which is very low quality. Don't get me wrong, I recovered from the standard American diet by eating hardcore plant based with alot of coconut oil for like 3 years straight . But now I want to build my body and become stronger and more resilient. About half the food I eat now is meat. Canivore for the win! Every body is different. Good luck to you all!


It sounds like "high" amounts of animal protein are bad. So I don't see how animal proteins in moderation are bad? I wonder if you looked are the data used to come to the study's conclusion. I find most studies's data don't lead me to the same conclusions as the authors and mostly leave me asking more questions


The risk of death is 100% in fact, last i checked


1. The animal foods may not have been grass fed or pasture-raised which means high in-take of glyphosate, lower amount of healthy omega-3's, and higher intake of inflammatory molecules due to not eating natural diet. All of those contribute to chronic illness/disease. Solution: eat grass fed meat
2. Animal foods have heme iron as opposed to non-heme iron, which is more bio-available. Iron overload or build-up is linked to significantly higher oxidative stress and chronic illnesses. Solution: Get iron panel and test for iron irregularities, give blood (do this anyways), get therapeutic phlebotomy.
3. In a population that is mostly insulin resistant, high fat intake with carbohydrates will lead to obesity and metabolic syndrome, a major risk factor for all cause mortality.

I have no problems with veganism or plant foods, but this is just misinformation and fear-mongering from epidemiological studies most likely. There is no mechanical process that links animal fats to worse health. In fact, it's quite the opposite when it comes to the importance of vitamin k2 for reabsorbing the calcium associated with heart disease. K2 is almost entirely found in animal products, with natto (fermented soy) being the best plant source.


Uhh. No. Why does everybody like to draw such extremist conclusions about diet? What worked for you and thousands of other won't necessarily work for someone else and thousands of others. Look at the results so many people are seeing with the carnivore diet. Granted, we dont know the long term results yet. Also, find me a centenarian who does not consume any animal protein, even in small amounts. You can't just barely reference one study to draw a massive conclusion. As much data as there is available, there is still far morr unknown about how the human body processes and reacts to food, especially when looking at individuals.


Countries eat the least meat live the shortest
most uneducated, most malnutrition, most diseases, most corrupt, most famine, most poverty, most wars, poorest hygiene, most dirty streets, most dirty water, most dirty air, most colonized, most violence, most unemployment, most poor health.
The 20 countries that eat the least meat
Bangladesh - 4kg of meat per person per year
India - 4.4kg
Burundi - 5.2kg
Sri Lanka - 6.3kg
Rwanda - 6.5kg
Sierra Leone - 7.3kg
Eritrea - 7.7kg
Mozambique - 7.8kg
Gambia - 8.1kg
Malawi - 8.3kg
Ethiopia - 8.5kg
Guinea - 8.6kg
Nigeria - 8.8kg
Tanzania - 9.6kg
Nepal - 9.9kg
Liberia - 10.4kg
Uganda - 11kg
Indonesia - 11.6kg
Togo - 11.7kg
Solomon Islands - 11.9kg


Correlation studies always give me pause.. I would imagine someone who has a largely plant based diet would be more health conscious than your average person anyway. I would like to see a study of health conscious “ diet and exercise “ people who have a diet low in animal protein vs health conscious people who have a diet with substantial amounts of animal protein.


It depends how its raised and cooked.. Dr Wallach has proven it... And I beat stage 4 colon cancer also but my tumor was bigger then Chris's...


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