Scientists FINALLY Found A Way To Solve Dark Matter Mystery!

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NASA’s Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope won’t launch until 2027, and it won’t start operating until sometime after that. But that isn’t stopping excited scientists from dreaming about their new toy and all it will do. Who can blame them? A new study examines the Roman Space Telescope’s power in detail to see if it can help us answer one of our most significant questions about the Universe. The question?
Will the Universe keep expanding and tear itself apart in a Big Rip? Well, nobody knows for sure, but now with roman space telescope we will finally have our answer!
Welcome to Mystery Hub, where we unravel the deepest and darkest mysteries of the world for you. In today’s video we are going to talk about NASA’s new roman space telescope which will solve the mystery of dark matter. So, if you want to know more about it then stay with un until the end of the video.
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Space is the hollow of volume.

Electron Flood Theory resolves the dark matter issue.


Dark Matter is an icredibly small negativelly charged monopole particle, called a ' Harveytron ', that fiills every availlable empty space within the atom, and throughout the whole universe as a cloud. Together with a positively charged monopole particle, it makes up all of the nuclei in the universe.

Since all of the observable matter in the univers accounts for just around 5% of the total, the ' Harveytron cloud ' makes up the rest. From this, it will be seen that there exists a massive exess of these negatively charged monopole particles. As we know that like charges repel, there exists throughout the universe a negative force trying to push everything apart. This force is the ' Dark Energy ', and what is causing the expansion of the universe, it is also a constituent of gravity.

This cloud, explains how electromagnetic radiation and gravitational wave are able to travel through space.

I am at the present time, compiling an hypothesis for a radical alternative, challenging the standard model of the copmposition of the atom, as the standard model is fundamentally flawed. I can explain much more if anyone is interested. Kind regards,

Tony Marsh.


Dark matter and dark energy can both be deleted when considering electro magnetism and electro dipole effects. Some of the largest structures in the known universe are magnetic lines. You have misled the consciousness of over 7 billion humans with this nonsensical dark matter dark energy concept.


cuando entenderán que una estrella simple crea helio y en el proceso grupos de componentes temporales de alto valor ( k muy grande ) se desprenden y sus componentes no pueden interactuar con las componentes de la materia normal, pero en otra clase de estrellas ocurre algo similar pero mas fuerte, en algunos casos a esos paquetes los llaman neutrinos


If all have afford to se this world and evrything ealse before we dies


Aren't these some of the questions JWST should answer?.... Is this just one more ten billion dollar venture?


All dark matter is, is a void of no light in space between 2 lights. Let me explain. You have 3 rooms in a line. The middle room has the light turned off. That is dark matter, a unlit area between 2 lights . That simple people. But they like to sound like they know something we don't. We are not dumb...


Can anything be colder than absolute zero?


Maybe we should look within our eyeball and unlock its ability to see dark matter


the universe won't tear apart as its mainly space anyway


Tied light theory explains why the universe looks like its expanding when its not. When energy of light starts to diminish the wave length drops in a curve. The other problem with space expansion theory is that it misjudges the distance make far away objects bigger in scale when the objects are actually much closer. I was also thinking that black holes explode at some point but would be very rare. Some galaxy's look like a cloud of matter just floating around and could of been a spinning galaxy at some point before the black hole exploded. The big bang theory has so many flaws and people still think its right especially when it hasn't been proven.


The so called Dark Matter is consciousness. Consciousness is the very essence which is fundamental for harnessing all existence. The supreme Consciousness is the the driving force that connects all existence. It's quite amusing for a name ( Dark Matter ) Just because you can't see it. Consciousness is extremley transparent. Maybe the scientists should send more time understanding The supreme Consciousness and in time possibliy discover a new dimension...


Dark matter and dark energy research has gone the way of religion….


Dark energy is not a solution it is pseudoscience, and breaks the laws of physics and motion.

Do you know how much energy is required to cause space to expand, so that galaxies extremely far away accelerate away from us faster than the speed of light? Allow me to explain. Particles can be accelerated when they are suspended in magnetic fields by adding energy to the EM fields. When energy is added to the EM fields it causes the mass of the particle to increase proportionally to the amount of energy added to the fields while they accelerate. So more energy has to be added to cause the particles to accelerate further. Thus to accelerate the particles in the fields up to the speed of light an infinite amount of energy has to be added. Theoretically then to accelerate the particles faster than the speed of light an infinite times an infinite amount of energy has to be added to the fields. Hence the idea of dark energy. Dark because according to the laws of thermodynamics energy cannot be created. But in a static, unchanging universe expanding space wouldn't occur. Gravity should take hold and cause the distance or space to contract, not expand.
Galaxies are just like particles suspended in EM fields. So to cause galaxies to move away from us energy has to be added to the EM fields. The energy added to space then causes space or distance between us and distant galaxies to increase. Making it appear as if space is expanding. Energy added to space puts matter in motion in two ways....

You can read all about this in my 6 part book series called SECRET UNIVERSE By Ron Kemp. In the books I explain why dark energy defies the laws of motion and physics. I explain how to solve the problem and came up with 2 equations and one new variable that when added to general relativity fixes the equations to match all the observations of motion occurring to all the baryonic matter in the universe without having to rely on dark matter or dark energy. Simply fix the equations of general relativity. Dark matter and dark energy will disappear. They are looking for things that only exist because general relativity is incomplete. In my books I completed general relativity. They no longer need to rely on dark matter or dark energy to explain the extra motion occurring to stars and galaxies.


the accelerate universe its from frbs .fast radio bursts UAPs its now objects coming from the earth.
