Scientists FINALLY Found A Way To Open A Portal To Another Dimension!

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On June 16, 2016, CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research in Geneva, started a
project to accelerate charged particles. Ten days later, photographer Christophe Suarez posted a
series of photographs of the skies above CERN. Those jaw-dropping photos showed the
formation of strange clouds and were proof that the biggest experiment in the world is about to
tear up a portal to another universe.
Up till now, we have only seen such incidents in the movies, but now after witnessing it in
reality, people are not only concerned but scared if the scientists really have found a way to open
a portal to another world. What will happen next? Are we goiņg to be destroyed or meet
ourselves in another dimension? But what really is of everyone's concern is the comeback of
CERN. Nobody knows the secrets it holds, and today we will try to unravel the hidden truth
about the gateway to the parallel universe.
The European Organization for Nuclear Research, known by its French acronym CERN, is
something that you hear about when there is some news about a newly discovered subatomic
particle. It is the world's largest particle physics lab, and it has the biggest accelerator in the
world, the LHC, or Large Hadron Collider. The credit for being the biggest goes to its circular
tunnel of nearly 17 miles, or 27 kilometers in circumference. The LHC, like all physics
experiments, tries to test theoretical predictions and find whether any are flawed. It enables
atoms to be smashed togethet with even greater power at nearly the speed of light, allowing it to
recreate conditions comparable to those experienced during the universe's beginning

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We are opening portals but are still using gasoline to fuel a vehicle?! Yeah sure let's act we're not being told everything 🤡🤡


idk why people like to play god…. Even if they did discover anything you would have no way of controlling it or understanding it


i loved the part where they explained how they found a way to open a portal to another dimension


I went all day yesterday without biting off one of my finger nails and mistakenly believed that I accomplished something great.


The portal will close when it sees a lot of npc´s with masks🤣


"When this goes to shit, don't say I didn't warn you." -The world. ⚠️


This just sounds a whole lot like, “Trust me bro….”


Before I ever learned of CERN I had an oddly realistic dream about a black hole in the sky. I believe it ate the sun, or blocked it out. As the sky grew darker in the direction of the sun, people began to panic and run around in chaos, then began to freeze into icicles. Eventually, it was slower to happen, everything/everyone I could see around me was slowly being torn apart (happened in very small pieces), and these pieces moved in slow motion towards this black hole in the sky. It felt so real that I had no idea that it WASN'T happening, until I woke up from it.

Anyways, it is just a dream, but it trips me out because this video is the first I ever heard of CERN's LHC possibly opening a black hole in the sky. I heard of the black hole story happening under the ground at the collider, but this video especially tripped me out when it talked about the photos of the storms above CERN.


So opening a portal is safe? Remember iron man when they opened a portal, you don't know what's on the other side.


What if the portal goes to a mirrored dimension and we think that the portal just made us do a 180, but we are actually in another dimension where everything is the same, down to the atom.


They need to leave Mother Earth 🌎 alone 👊🏽😡 we don't need no more demons walking around 🙅🏽‍♀️


After countless generations of both mathematicians and scientists practicing relative shapes in theory, we can finally experience a higher plane of existence through this technological and mathematical discovery! 😭

I can finally make my netherite armour 😭😭😭


Honestly. If cern creates a blackhole and everything gets sucked into oblivion, i wont really care. Death would probably take place so fast that none of us would even be able to comprehend whats happening


How do people actually believe this? How come so much of our major problems aren’t solved but we have the technology to transfer atoms across space and time towards another place?


Ayo this shit is crazy
I don’t know why I watch stuff like this when I’m high


They were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should


I think this is actually very scary. They’re opening portals to other dimensions, who knows where. And what will come through.
I’m concerned w what will come of this.
I’m fairly certain “they’re” aware of the potential implications of this Hadron portal opening. Creepy and scary.


To God be the Glory. God is going to spilt the sky open and He is going to show His Power.


Isn’t it kinda dangerous tho because there’s many creatures we don’t know about in other worlds?


What if the black hole we open up is just Gods butthole and he farts out another universe and it smashes into ours and destroys us all?
This would prove my theory that the big bang was just God lettin one rip after eating a plate of really good mexican food.
