The blueprint of Trump's deportation plan: A questionable approach by Eisenhower

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Former President Donald Trump has pledged to deport millions of undocumented migrants, a plan modeled after a 1954 operation that historians say ultimately did not work.

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Fun fact: Trump's mother Mary MacLeod was a migrant worker with no skills, no education beyond 5th grade, no money who came from the poorest part of Scotland where she lived with her sisters in a grass roof hut style home with no electricity. Trump's mother was granted the very "chain migration" entry that her son Donald now opposes for others. Trump's mother worked as house cleaning lady along with her sisters who also lacked education or skills. Had MAGA immigration policy been in effect in 1930 at the height of the Great Depression when umemployment was sky high and nativists screamed that the "migrants are taking American jobs" he would not be here today.
Trump's mom didn't have to hop a fence because it was open borders at New York Harbor. If you could step onto the pier you were in. Trump is literally the product of open borders.


"People act like they want to pick their own strawberries" Dave Chappelle


As long as American capitalism has an unquenchable thirst for cheap exploitable labor, the lure of America will overwhelm border controls.


Beware those who proclaim that complex, long-term problems have quick and simple's a hustle that preys on our emotional desire for an answer.


I hate when they try to defend what Trump is saying by saying oh he doesn’t mean that! How does he not mean that? If he’s saying it it’s cause he does mean it obviously!


the problem is corporate greed. without these migrant people, these jobs will not be filled at $5 - $6 an hour. would you work theses jobs for that little pay? doubtful. and if they raise the wage, the cost of production will go up so shareholders and CEOs don't take a pay cut


Read: "President Trump Reduced Legal Immigration. He Did Not Reduce Illegal Immigration"
by Alex Nowrasteh


"I dont speak for President Trump."

5 seconds later...

"Oh he didnt mean that..."


They are NOT “Asylum Seekers.” They are economic migrants.


Godforbid we cut our "defense" budget by $150 billion and direct that money to building multiple Ellis island style entry points, giving paths to citizenship, subsidizing farmers to help raise standards and wages to farm workers. Keeping food prices low. Securing the border with more law enforcement to stop guns and drugs and human etc....oh and give more benefits to veterans.


If I enter a country illegally and they deport me, it doesn’t matter what means they use. I’m the one who made the decision to break the law and bear the assumption of risk going forward. Period. Naturally, children that don’t make decisions for themselves are a unique case that warrants a more complex discussion.


Some may say mass deportation will not work for various reasons.
1. If you use e-Verify to sanction employers with illegal workers, there will be less incentives for illegal immigration.
2. Counties like Cuba and Venezuela may not take them back, unless offered incentives.
3. If some illegal immigrants are offered incentive, they may go back on their own.
4. Logistics to detain and move them may be costly unless local police and military are used to arrest, move to temporary military bases, and fly out in military transports.
5. Disseminate propaganda in countries of origin discouraging immigration.
6. Legalize the stay only for those with no criminal record and family in the U.S.
7. If they did not ask for asylum at first country they cross while coming to the U.S., they have no justification to claim religious or political persecution.
8. Returning deportees must know they will face serious consequences. Retain bio-metrics.
9. Promulgate policies and procedures to streamline and expedite deportation.
10. Secure the border with walls, electronics, patrols, lights and drones.


If you don't want people coming to our southern border seeking a better life. Then we need to help the countries that they are fleeing to become safer and more prosperous.
Would you stay in your home if you were in danger and had no way to provide for your family? Or would you try to go to a safer place where you might have a chance to see your children grow up happy?


“I don’t speak for the president” at 4:35, then proceeds to speak for him at 4:53.


Obama was known as the “Deporter-in-Chief.” He deported close to 3 million people who came to the country illegally. Funny how there’s no mention of that isn’t it?

At least they left in the comment that just because some historians raised issues about Eisenhower’s program that doesn’t mean the same errors would be made this time. But, they still got to take a swipe at the program anyway, which is their intent. That’s because they’re activists pushing an agenda, not reporters.

Oh, and the “asylum seeker” claim is also a stretch. Even if the majority of people coming illegally were truly asylum seekers, you don’t get to pass through multiple countries where you’re safe and where you can claim asylum but instead continue on to reach your country of choice to claim asylum there.


You don’t have to deport anybody. All he has to do is cut out the free stuff. Make it impossible for them to live here anyone who employ an illegal should get 11 months and 29 days in jail for every one they hire and they will leave on their own.


Joe Scarborough explained it perfectly on Bill Maher's show: A: Trump said "x". B: No he didn't. A shows them the quote. B: Well, he didn't really mean what he said. A: He does. B: You have TDS.


I'm a proud. Latino, best discreve proud Méxican .
without legal documents
But, responsible to pay all my taxes, ,
City, State and federal taxes.without any yearly returns...
I own my small business
I'm here to get deported...
God bless America...


“The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.”
Leviticus 19:34


Just enforce existing laws. They will self deport.
