Pantene 'Labels Against Women' Digital Ad

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Pantene’s ‘Labels Against Women’ digital ad exposes a gender bias double-standard: Men and women are shown exhibiting the same behaviors but are labeled differently.



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This visual advertisement by Pantene depicts the frequent inequality between Men and Women in the workforce. The stereotype that Women are "Bossy" or "Selfish" is a false philosophy that has no scientific or logistical evidence. Everyone within a team should have a voice in the organization and feel comfortable sharing new ideas with their co-workers. Diminishing the importance of sharing innovative ideas will hurt any business and keep them stagnant. To combat this issue, educating the youth is vital to help them understand the importance of equality. Pantene has stepped up big time by educating the community/world in unique ways about this worldwide dilemma.


Pantene's commercial was posted almost four years ago. Yet, double standards for both genders are still prevalent in society. While we have made great strides toward acceptance, the standards still exist. Simply, look at the comments on this video and the commenter's name. It is easy for a man to look at the commercial in a negative light. However, women are not trying to diminish men, rather create acknowledgement of their own talents, beauty and personality. Women are capable of the same thing men are. It is important to acknowledge that the double standards might always exist, but the more acceptance for gender equality will make double standards a minority opinion.


Actually seen this quite a few time. One girl I worked with was quiet but very dedicated, kind, and efficient. Rest of work (including bosses) either thought she was a stuck up bitch or acted like she was live dynamite.

Would watch her handle her department (largest one) and even quietly help others and take their trash without them noticing.

Just because she wasn’t talkative and didn’t smile a lot they thought less of her.


If I didn’t know any better I’d say these labels are placed on women by other women


This was actually in a book of negotiation for women


Andito lang po ako dahil sa UTS ko na subject. Thank you po sa mga comment may sagot nako :) <3


As a female CEO for over 25 years I can say you get what you focus on. I don’t pay attention to the dinosaurs that may portray the negative stereotypes in this video, they are VERY rare. Women: represent your integrity and God given gifts and you will shine. Dare to actually put your talent out there vs play the victim card. Playing the victim is a dead end.


The last girl is Catriona Gray, a crowned Miss Universe 2018


who's buying all the "likes"?


Just here for modules but after watching these, I agreed. Because I have experience some too, I've witnessed this on some people that I've met too, and even on social media. You can see it everywhere. We can't deny this, double standard really exist. But it depends on us on how to face these issues, if we want to stand up or tolerate ourselves being a victim. Like what's the point, still it's our choice if we let ourselves to be affected or not. That's why I don't care what people says to me "you're a girl so you must be like must be like that, you are just like that" It's a matter of choice and patience even if you are criticized by the society. Go stand up if you don't want to be a victim no matter what gender you are, but up with respect and in a righteous manner.
Keepsafe everyone and Godbless.


It is far easier to heal a physical wound, than heal words that penetrate your heart .
Sticks and stones may hurt you for a time .
When words hurt you they may never heal, infact they may destroy your very core being .Let us all take careful thought for other's before we let the words out of our mouths.


Normally I don't like videos like this but I have to write a paper about it and the comments from mainly men and some women on this video are the exact reason why they made the video in the first place. Can't you see the hypocrisy in commenting foul remarks on a simple shampoo brand video. It's really just a video on double standards that is a term for a reason!! It exists :/ I'll never know what's hard to understand about that.


This ad is interesting for several reasons. The first reason is that the product that is being promoted is not very evident in my opinion. I question if this ad had any direct success in the selling of the product. Also, you begin to think about how they openly express the labels that some people put on women and think about if their tactics helped or hurt the cause they are standing up for. Instead of only empowering women for about three seconds of the ad, Pantene could have focused the ad solely on the empowerment of women and not about the labels that others give them.


Ok, I get the message, but the depiction isn't natural at all
I'm a girl


Haha I’m just watching this to write a whole TDA on🥱 Like our of all the things too


The Pantene digital ad exposes a double standard that is still a kind of culture in some companies. Some of the labels they showed during this commercial when both genders share the same personality or behavior are people may see a man as a 'boss', yet the same people may think when a woman shows the same qualities they are 'bossy.' Furthermore, when men show dedication to their job then women are labeled selfish. I believe Pantene shows that these are sometimes normal behaviors and that there is a double standard when it comes to gender bias. Why isn't a woman claimed as a boss or dedicated or persuasive? Both genders should be able to exhibit their own personalities and still be accepted. Company culture and overall social culture should not be men versus women but more about how can we promote a better life for everyone so everyone can feel accepted (almost like the common good).


Personally I don't mind anyone being a leader. Just do it right. I've had multiple male coworkers who are just "bossy" and I've called them out for that.
Being a leader means you have to be hands on as well not just demand orders. Be an example.
Man or Woman.

Additionally if a man is neat, they don't call us neat. They call us gay even if we aren't lol


This digital ad Pantene released shows multiple stereotypes and standards there are between women and men in the corporate world. The first one the viewer comes across has the male labeled as the boss, and when it’s the woman, she is labeled as bossy. Other examples the video list include a male be a persuasive speaker, while the woman is a pushy speaker. The video also includes women as vain, show-offs, and selfish. There have been changes and strides made for more equality amongst men and women, but not enough. These stereotypes and labels Pantene expressed are still relevant in todays work. There needs to be a greater push to see that women can work just as well as men can.


Pantene’s digital advertisement aims to portray struggles with sexism that women face in the business world. At the end of the video, Pantene’s last model is shown in a lighter color dress, and has her hair down. Compared to the other females in the video, this last model is shown to have smooth, long and flowing hair, thanks to Pantene. While exposing unfair comparisons that women face in the workplace for taking powerful positions, Pantene encourages confidence and change for female employees. This confidence is enabled by using their products, which helps both their hair and their work skills “shine”.


As a Filipino gay man, I don't have any problem women being the leader. In fact, I love them when they lead, they surely consulted all the members before choosing decision, more empathetic, more understanding and of course less homophobic.

This negative label of women mostly came from straight men with fragile or toxic masculinity. They think women as something inferior so they will label them something as bad when they can't control them. So for aspiring women out there, you have my support! 👊
