Rooting Hormone Long Term Update ( 7 Months )

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The rooting hormone experiment that I did 7 months ago has come to an end. In this video Im looking at the long term effects of rooting hormone compared to non rooting hormone growth. I will dig up the pothos and actually take a peak at the roots to see how they progressed.

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Thanks for the update. I really appreciate the extra effort to follow-up on this months later. One of the reasons why your videos are a step above other channels.


Techplant videos give me as much serotonin as my actual plants do. I’m so glad you follow up on previous videos!


This is such a great video idea! Thank you for the dedication to a 7month long video haha

Could you do an experiment of testing rooting cuttings in water with and without fertilizer? I’ve seen people advise you to put some liquid fertilizer in your water props to make them grow faster, but idk if it works!


Thanks for the follow up, I’m sure it takes a lot more effort and time for you to make. The follow up is something not a lot of other plant youtubers do. You have such a unique style, which I really appreciate!

If you take any request: I heard (in a planter in a vide) that putting a pothos cutting with some other water propagations, make it root faster/better. I tried to research this, but I didn’t get any explanation for this. Would you know why this could happen?

I’m sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language!


I'd love to see an experiment like this with soil propagation! I feel like I see a lot of people use rooting hormone by preparing and dipping the plants, then putting them straight into a pot :)


Hi there Mr Techplant 😊
I have learned that the whiter or lighter the roots, the healthier is the plant.
I think that the roots on the plant with hormones look healthier than the plant without (which also has a fungus on one of the leaves).
For the first time, I will try that same product on some hydrangea cuts, so thanks for your video!


That result is crazy good. Thanks for Experiment and greetings from Germany


Love the commitment for an update. But tbh for me this says that maybe the rooting hormone cuttings maybe suffered more of a transplant shock. If you've got more free time I'd love to see how cuttings propagated in soil turn out, or even just not left in water for two months lol. Either way, great video. Thank you for taking the time to invest in the sharing of knowledge.


The "problem" is. Auxines are for callus, rooting *and* inhibit sprouting near the root. You just got one nodium with nearly no cytokinine in it but masses of auxines. As long their is no sprouting, the roots grow until there are no more nutrients. This one leave did enough photosynthesis for keeping the roots alive but not for growing a new sprout. And it struggeled to form enough cytokinines what is needed for sprouting, because the relation of auxin and cytokinine "decides" what becomes a root and what becomes a sprout.
Hope, it explains a little bit why your treatet cuttings grow slower than the untreatet. It´s just an imbalance of opposite phytohormones.
And sorry for my bad english. I´m german and wrote this without a propper dictionary...😉


I would love it if you did this with a different plant. Something that doesn't root as quickly as a pothos. Like a sense sansevieria? Or something similar.


I love your experiments, and the followups.


That’s super interesting! I’ve done some experiments with pepper mint. In 3 jars I used tap water and in other 3 tap water with fertilizer rich in P. The mint in fertilizer grew so many roots in just a week! But here, with root hormone, it seems it gives a boost as long as the plant is kept in the hormone. Afterwards, it seems it balances off.


Oh dang! Didn't know I needed this info, thanks! :D guess its just for 'in case' it doesn't root not 'always use' when growing cuttings.


pothos are very good at making their own hormone they even help other plants rooting with them, you should try this with a plant species thats doesnt.


Whooooa that was unexpected! Veryyyy interesting to see!


Thanks for this! I love your experiments and updates!! 💚💚💚💚💚


El h also, I have a new video suggestion, I’m still debating whether soil is better than moss propagation or vice versa. I see all these nurseries and tutorials on how to propagate, and they all have success with soil. Can you try soil propagation again? 😅 maybe with a chunkier more aerated mix. Try adding coconut cubes, more perlite, pumice and other aeration amendments. Hope you can consider this, thanks!


I love this experiment! Thanks for the update, This really solve my curiosity!!! <3333 Really appreciate the extra effort you put into these videos


the rooting hormone is for plants you grow from leaves and patial leaves like Sansevieria or Ficus benjamina
not so much for plants that produce air roots and baby plants on their own like for example Epipremnum aureum, Hedera helix or Chlorophytum comosum

And yes i had to google the names since i only know the german names not the international/latin ones

and yes technicly the first two do ptoduce roots but not while still being on the plant
the sansevieria you can cultivate by cuting a leave in some big chunks letting dry out the edges abit and potting them into soil
the ficus can grow roots from the green plant stemp where the leave is attachted to the tree and those are the two kinds you want root groth hormones on to assure the survival so why dont you try the experiment on those two


Question: Right before potting, the non-hormone plant had roots AND new growth points. When you compared them for this video, did that make a difference? Did the non-hormone plant have more new growth points or did the hormoned plant catch up once potted?
