How do you know if you have a hip labral tear?

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Do you think you have a hip labral tear? What tests work for labral tears? Have you been told that you have a labral tear? MRI and MRA are purportedly the best way to see if you have a hip labral tear (besides surgery).

In reality, MRI and MRA appear to have very high false positive rates, making the findings quite ambiguous. This means that the only way to see and confirm a labral tear is to actually go in and look at it arthroscopically!

However, based on the research, labral tears are very common in people with no if you can't actually see a connection between the images and symptoms, it may not be a great idea to rush in to cut anything! It also means it's basically impossible to tell whether hip pain is actually coming from a labral tear (since other studies show that hip injections don't work to identify labral tears either!).


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I have a torn labrum in both hips. Left hip is worse than the right hip. This went undiagnosed for 12 years. Throughout that time my symptoms got worse, my mobility declined, I’ve fallen several times causing damage to my right knee. I saw many doctors, all with specialties. None ever had the presence of mind to do any imaging. I finally had MRI & CT (with contrast) imaging done. Tests in both hips confirmed along with loss of cartilage. I see a new surgeon tomorrow. My last surgeon canceled my surgery 1 week prior to the procedure due to my weight. Yes, I’ve gained weight due to loss of mobility over 12 years. I’m now losing weight so I can have the surgery done, one hip at a time. To say that I’m frustrated is not even remotely accurate. I have been suicidal in the past. To think of having to live another year with chronic, debilitating, isolating pain is too much. Prayers are always welcome & appreciated.


My hip hurts just watching him sit that way!


Been having horrible debilitating labrum area pain for a year and it is destroying my life. I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy


Fabulous research of the research, thanks for saving me hours and hours of sleuthing and deduction. I was told my MRI shows a ‘possible’ hip labrum tear. You’ve single handedly changed my mind about racing for surgery, and I’ve had right hip pain for 3 years. I’ll make the appt with the ortho surgeon but hopefully won’t be keeping it. It’s a long wait to even get in.. THANK YOU. I miss being active so much and can’t bear to think of life without being fit. I’m sore (understatement) and tight and I’m afraid of doing more damage. I’ll look at every exercise I can do before seeing the surgeon. Except I think it’s my whole pelvic structure that’s causing me grief. Many many thanks again.


You never showed self tests on how to know if i have a labral tear


I was diagnosed with a Labral tear in my left hip in 2017. I had my right hip replaced due to arthritis in 2010 and experienced the pain involved with that. The Labral tear pain was totally different and brutal. All adult males at one time in their life have received a blow below the belt. That’s what it felt like times three.


I was told I have a labral tear and have been encouraged to have surgery. I was so happy to find your excercises, my pain is already a lot better after a few weeks, and I really didn't want to have surgery. I was residned to limping and having pain instead. But things are getting better. Thanks so much.


Ive torn my labrum and I feel like he’s flexing on me


So you talk about the testing and the inaccuracy of those tests...however you haven't (as the title suggests) said anything about "how to know if you have a hip labral tear."


Oh the memories everyone is causing me! Over 5 yrs ago I fell at work (hidden water on the floor). My pain got worse and worse and as mentioned, no position was possible for any duration without pain. Desperation drove me to find help & answers. That was the hardest part. Lucky for me my daughter in law is a nurse; she helped with suggestions. Going to a well-known sports medicine institute and 4 of their docs, yielded almost nothing. I did NOT need a new hip; my bones are great for an old lady! Still, pain gets old quickly and PT did nothing. Shots were almost useless. I did some homework and chose a surgeon at U of P in Philadelphia. Looking back, his lay-mans explanation to me was rather non-decisive as demonstrated above so it was time to take a chance. I agreed to surgery and the rest is history. He removed the floating broken parts that were causing pain. I was good to go! Think seriously about how and when your pain began and go from there. Sometimes you just have to bite the bullet. I've been told that pain is natures way of speaking to you. Listen up & good luck. ; )


Your videos never get to the point, they just get you in to keep watching your next video until 5 videos later you finally address the title of your clip


I’m annoyed by the title..this video was not helpful. But I appreciate sone of the other suggestions you’ve provided relative to hips so I’ll give you a pass this time.


I have anterior pelvic tilt, si joint pain, pelvic floor problems, MAJOR right testicle pain, insomnia, depression, mania, 3 disc herniations, and angry psoas/QL muscles. However…….I wasn’t paying attention to my aductors. This may sound crazy, but I had my son stand on the inside of my leg (aductors) and OH MY GOD it hurt like a MF. Buttt……75% of the pain was gone afterwards. Make sure you strengthen your glutes and core and it will help. I stretch like a madman and I’m feeling a lot better now. Listen….don’t look for the “magic fix”. Get a deep tissue massage and eat the pain. Also, don’t be a wimp when it comes to stretching. You WILL make progress if you’re willing to fight the urge to stop while stretching. We are a very sedentary society and men SHOULD NOT be sitting for hours at a time. Get up, get active, and live your life to the absolute fullest. Stretch the $!@? out of those tight muscles and strengthen the weak ones!!! You can do it!!


Hey! I just had surgery on my hip labral to repair it and I am documenting my journey of rehabbing through it!!


Here are my thoughts on labral tears, although everything I say may not be entirely accurate.The labrum is a ring of soft cartilage that goes around the hip socket in a circle. Thus a labral tear is a tear in this labrum. How does this tear occur? It occurs when a spot or area on the fermoral head is rough enough to rub against the labrum cartilage and tear it. Why does the femoral head become rough? The femoral head becomes rough from the wear and tear of hitting against the labrum cartilage. Eventually the cartilage on both the labrum and the femoral head start wearing away until there are certain areas of the femoral head and labrum that have no more cartilage left, and you have bone on bone rubbing, which makes the fenoral head rough, and has hills and valleys. This bone on bone rubbing is what we call osteoarthritis, and the more cartilage that is worn away, the more severity is the osteoarthritis. I should also mention that normally there is a small gap between the labrum and the femoral head, and this gap is filled with synovial fluid. However, when a person stretches the leg to an extreme position, such as in sports, or is carrying a lot of weight, this decreases the gap between the labrum and the femoral head, allowing the labrum and femoral head to rub against each other, and hence the process of developing osteoarthritis begins.


Somewhere in the middle of the video (around 4:20), you mix up sensitivity and specificity. Sensitivity is the rate of true positive while specificity is the rate of true negative. So if the sensitivity is 75%, it means that out of a 100 patient with labral tear, 75 can be diagnosed correctly from the imaging. It does not say anything about true negative rate.


Wow! am going to start watching all these videos! have had a stiff right hip and have been getting tight ITB and adductors for three years. MRI showed no labral tear. saw another physio to get another opinion and have been told it might be a minor labral tear. Need to watch these videos to see what i can do to get them to all relax again and hopefully run without discomfort! amazing :)


I don’t know much about laurel tears, only that I’m not able to walk more than 3 minutes and then i have to stop due to pain. I’m finally going to see a spine specialist because of 5 years of debilitating pain. I did go for the spine injection twice and it worked once. It it ok to try some of your exercises as much as i can. I’m so tired of not being able to walk much. I don’t take pain meds. The doctor gave me gabapentin.


I had a hip scope to repair my torn labrum. I was in tons of pain pre surgery and the rehab was hard. 9 months post surgery I was pregnant, had a baby (something I worried about with my hip pain) and have been pain free for 8 years now.


my tear appeared to be small at mra but that sudden injury actually increased the movement and made it very unstable. so you can`t decrease that kind of range of motion :/ it`s not even about the pain, it just doesn`t work normally, has lot of muscle stiffness and pain increases everytime when being provoked like walking
