Alevism : Prayers and Zikr With English Translation

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This is a Poem of our Turkic Alevi Muslim Shah Ismail I The Founder of The Safavid Dynasty . it's called : Şu Aleme Bir Nur Doğdu , it's an essential part of the Alevi Muslim Cem worship service . I've made a translation of it in the screen video . I don't follow a literalist way of translation in order to make sense of the words and sentences .

I've made another written Turkish and English Translation for those who want to learn to practice this prayer , we have to keep our Islamic Alevi tradition strong around the world , all the beautiful souls should keep the faith :
Şu Aleme Bir Nur Doğdu

Şu âleme bir nûr doğdu = ( A Divine ) Light was born in That Realm
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born
Yeşil kandilden nûr indi = The (Divine ) Light decendded from the Green Lamp
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born

Muhammed anadan düştü = When Muhammed Came out of his mother
Kâfirler aklı şaştı = The infidels were in confusion
Bin kilise yere battı = Thosuands of temples fell to the ground
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born

Hûri kızları geldiler = Heavenly Fairies Came
Nurdan kundağa sardılar = And swaddled him,
Muhammed’e yüz sürdüler = With love they revered Muhammed
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born

Alemler çağırdı ya Muhammed = The Whole world say , Ya Muhammed .
Bilindi farz ile sünnet = We Know The duty of Sunnah .
Açıldı cem ile cennet = The Cem of Heaven is opened
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born

ŞAH HATAYİ’ M EY kardeşler = Brothers of Shah Hatay ( Ismail I)
GÜZEL OLUR HEP BU işler = In joy and delight
Secdeye indi HEP BAŞLAR = Started to Prostrate
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born

Poem by Shah Hatay Ismail I The Safavid .
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The Alevis believe in the Quran but reject the hadiths and believe that there is only one God, that Muhammad is his messenger and Ali is his saint. They circumcise their children and celebrate most of the Muslim holidays. However, they do not perform the five daily prayers, Ramadan, the pilgrimage to Mecca or anything like that. Those who do are either Sunnis or Shiites. Alevism is the Sufi and mystical path of Islam and only the Shiite Sufi path. (Whatever you seek, seek it within yourself. It is not in Jerusalem, Mecca or Hajj, my Kaaba is the human being, Haji Bektasi Veli). This means that they have completely abandoned the external rites of Sunni Islamic orthodoxy, that is, all external visual practices. They want to get to the point and live only for the ardent love of God. In the Quran, God says: "We are closer to him (man) than the vein in his neck." "So for the Alevis, God is not cut off, is not isolated from man, sitting high on his throne. God is everywhere! including in man and in Nature. (Wahdat al-wujud - Ibn Arabi) This therefore implies not only love and respect for man but also that of animals and more generally respect for nature.
Alevism advocates the love of God but also the unity of man with God (En-el Hak- Al Hallaj) The Alevis believe that man, but also everything that exists, has a divine part. (The greatest book to read is humanity, Even if you are hurt, do not hurt, Do not blame any nation or person, No matter the language, religion or color, good people are good, Remember that even your enemy is human, Haci Bektasi Veli). Once dead they do not go to hell or paradise but they join God and become one with God. Alevism is the love of God and therefore of man and nature. For Alevism, knowledge, learning, science is a form of faith, for the Alevis it is also a manifestation of God (The path devoid of knowledge is darkness, Happy are those who illuminate the darkness of thought, The highest wealth is knowledge, Haji Bektasi Veli).
The Alevis support the house of the prophet (Ehli Beyt) and his descendants through his daughter and cousin Ali. The twelve Imams were persecuted and assassinated after the prophet. This is why Alevism has always defended the weak and the oppressed and has always opposed injustice. Alevism considers all men but also men and women as equal because each has a divine part in him and therefore they are all equal. This is why during the Cem gathering, women and men participate together in the semah


assalamualaikum, aku dari Indonesia. aku sangat terharu dan gembira membaca terjemahan bahasa inggrisnya, semakin bertambah rasa cinta dan rindu saya kepada Muhammad. selama mereka iman kepada Allah dan Muhammad, mereka adalah islam. Jangan mengkafirkan mereka, sebab kita tidak tahu kekafiran kita sendiri


كُل الحب والاحترام لكم.
لا إله إلا الله ومحمّد رسول الله وعليٌ ولي الله .💚


My whole life I have been taught that alevis don't worship Allah, now I want to learn more


Ali was a light in this world, without him the world is darker indeed.


Extraordinary video. I am now a new path disciple of Suleyman Dede of the Baba Mansur Ocak through the help of Leyla from Secret of Ilya I would love to be in communication with you. Aşk ile Hu!


Respect to Alevi Shias in Turkey from a twelver shia from India.


Herkesin inancı kendine tabiki, ben Türk ve Sunni olarak, şu görüntüler gayet hoşuma gidiyor, aralarında olmak istedim:)


Bruh this awakend something in me that I havent felt forever. Positive energy. Peace. Balance. I chanted this nonstop. HAK LAILLAHI ILLA LAH


salam 12vr shia here
ive read islamic history n shia islamic history extensively
bless shah ismail n safavi order for saving 12vr shiaism
i have read about alevis as well but found some secular athestic ones online who seemed very rude but finding your channel ive come to know those guys were some weirdo Ishikism type guys

please translate more of shah ismails poetry that you people recite

allah bless alevi ppl of anatolia who have suffered immensely under ottomon regime
respects from pakistan


I'm not an Alevi but this was very enjoyable. I left Sunni Islam because of its backwardness. Alevism looks like a more intelligent and forward looking belief system. I have come to admire this community. All the best to you my friends.


İm Turkish and sunni, i love alevis you are so kind😊


iam indonesians but now i stay in istanbul and i not alevi may i join this event ? where this


May Allah bless you brothers. Salam from Algerian Sunni🇩🇿🛐🔮


Gurur duyuyorum, hak kabul eyleye, hak için ola seyr için olmaya ❤️


This is different. It’s a mixture of men and woman. I noticed in this video from chechnya it’s only men praying and they’re running in the circle and praying chanting. Is Alevism less strict.


May Allah increase your Nur, brother!


I also am drawn to a pro-Alid heterodox sunni-shi'i or "sushi" Islam with heavy focus on "Muhammad-Ali"


Canlarım ben de aleviyim ama Kur’an okuyorum gerçekleri bilmek istiyorum bir tek cemevi evlerine gitmekten bu iş olmuyor hacca gitmekten bu iş de olmuyor her cuma camiye gitmekten bu iş de olmuyor her şey senin kalbinden Aleviler kalpleri çok büyüktür ama başka ne yaparlar maalesef oradayız


Great video, may Salam be upon all of the alevis of the world. Even though I'm not alevi, i am in fact closer to sunni and tasawwuf, i respect you guys a lot. Don't listen to those who are misguided. Even the great ibn arabi had female teachers and encouraged mixed practices and prayers. The modernists like wahabist ans salafies just wish to destroy the religion. It's all political for them. Even though you guys have other interpretations of al hajj and of ramadan fasting, your hearts are made of love. Our differences should not make us enemies, rather that we should respect each other. Am from Morocco by the way. Would it be fair to say that alevis are like shiite sufies? With some unique practices? I very much like wahdat al wujud dl you guys also relate to this? Like ibn arabi
. Thanks allah yhafdkom
