Alevism : Prayers and Zikr With English Translation
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This is a Poem of our Turkic Alevi Muslim Shah Ismail I The Founder of The Safavid Dynasty . it's called : Şu Aleme Bir Nur Doğdu , it's an essential part of the Alevi Muslim Cem worship service . I've made a translation of it in the screen video . I don't follow a literalist way of translation in order to make sense of the words and sentences .
I've made another written Turkish and English Translation for those who want to learn to practice this prayer , we have to keep our Islamic Alevi tradition strong around the world , all the beautiful souls should keep the faith :
Şu Aleme Bir Nur Doğdu
Şu âleme bir nûr doğdu = ( A Divine ) Light was born in That Realm
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born
Yeşil kandilden nûr indi = The (Divine ) Light decendded from the Green Lamp
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born
Muhammed anadan düştü = When Muhammed Came out of his mother
Kâfirler aklı şaştı = The infidels were in confusion
Bin kilise yere battı = Thosuands of temples fell to the ground
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born
Hûri kızları geldiler = Heavenly Fairies Came
Nurdan kundağa sardılar = And swaddled him,
Muhammed’e yüz sürdüler = With love they revered Muhammed
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born
Alemler çağırdı ya Muhammed = The Whole world say , Ya Muhammed .
Bilindi farz ile sünnet = We Know The duty of Sunnah .
Açıldı cem ile cennet = The Cem of Heaven is opened
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born
ŞAH HATAYİ’ M EY kardeşler = Brothers of Shah Hatay ( Ismail I)
GÜZEL OLUR HEP BU işler = In joy and delight
Secdeye indi HEP BAŞLAR = Started to Prostrate
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born
Poem by Shah Hatay Ismail I The Safavid .
I've made another written Turkish and English Translation for those who want to learn to practice this prayer , we have to keep our Islamic Alevi tradition strong around the world , all the beautiful souls should keep the faith :
Şu Aleme Bir Nur Doğdu
Şu âleme bir nûr doğdu = ( A Divine ) Light was born in That Realm
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born
Yeşil kandilden nûr indi = The (Divine ) Light decendded from the Green Lamp
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born
Muhammed anadan düştü = When Muhammed Came out of his mother
Kâfirler aklı şaştı = The infidels were in confusion
Bin kilise yere battı = Thosuands of temples fell to the ground
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born
Hûri kızları geldiler = Heavenly Fairies Came
Nurdan kundağa sardılar = And swaddled him,
Muhammed’e yüz sürdüler = With love they revered Muhammed
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born
Alemler çağırdı ya Muhammed = The Whole world say , Ya Muhammed .
Bilindi farz ile sünnet = We Know The duty of Sunnah .
Açıldı cem ile cennet = The Cem of Heaven is opened
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born
ŞAH HATAYİ’ M EY kardeşler = Brothers of Shah Hatay ( Ismail I)
GÜZEL OLUR HEP BU işler = In joy and delight
Secdeye indi HEP BAŞLAR = Started to Prostrate
Muhammed doğduğu gece = The Night Muhammed Was Born
Poem by Shah Hatay Ismail I The Safavid .