Why the MMBN Legacy Collection is Important

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There's been a lot of bickering on various sides of the Mega Man fandom recently. This video was made to remind some of the members that great things can come from the Battle Network Legacy Collection being released.

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I feel like I should leave this here:
I had meant to include a few additional lines, but forgot to include them in the script. I feel like there's a difference between an Unimpressed Fan and a flat out Detractor. While I was gathering the screenshots for video, I was seeing a lot of toxicity and negativity from other branches of the fanbase that WEREN'T primarily BN fans. When I said "It doesn't make you any less of a fan", I was specifically referring to the BN portion of the fanbase who are less than impressed with the collection, but are still being civil.
We ALL want Legends 3 and X9. More Mega Man is always good, but, NEW games take time, and money, so buying the collections will help future projects and releases.
I meant to touch on how the BNLC towers over the others in terms of improvements, because the others are basically just rom dumps, while the BNLC are source ports and they actually went through the effort to make them online-capable. There's a good reason this game won "Most Anticipated Game" at the Tokyo Game Show, even beating out other NEW releases, despite it being a collection of old games.
The point of the videos was to provide a few different perspectives. I still stand by my statement in that you shouldn't buy something if you won't enjoy it, but that said, don't try to ruin it for those who WILL enjoy it. I saw one guy make a full video railing against BN fans, saying this whole thing was lazy shovelware, and the fans are "Low-IQ sweaty neckbeards", and they "want to get pegged by Capcom". The channel was deleted and the comment page with it, though the video was archived.
More than anything, I want peace and unity among Mega Man fans, because we've ALL been through various droughts and broken promises. While I WOULD love to see X9 and Legends 3, it makes more business sense to release this first because EXE has a huge audience in Japan, even if it's comparatively smaller in the West.
But, no matter what the future may hold, we'll all face it together, as fans of Mega Man, be it Classic, X, EXE, SF, or Legends. We'll get there together.


I really don't know how someone can call this collection a "cheap cash grab". They are putting SO MUCH care and love into it that will probably make this collection the definitive way to play these games, like seriously, if they just wanted to make a "quick buck" out of people's nostalgia they wouldn't have reprogrammed the games from scratch, added online battling and trading, include the event battle chips, etc.


Battle Network has been ignored by Capcom for so long, and the Legacy Collection has _so much actual effort and care_ put into it by the devs, especially compared to pretty much any other collection of older games on any platform.
I've pre-ordered it 3 times (Steam, Switch, and PS4), and I hope as many people as possible go buy it. Strong sales numbers can only mean more attention from Capcom, and as was shown with the original Megaman series they may even decide to continue the series even after all this time has passed. At the very least, it'll cause them to seriously consider a Star Force Legacy Collection, if not outright greenlighting BN7 and/or SF4.
Pretty much every other game collection out there has been nothing more than emulations on newer hardware, often with older features cut out or disabled. Heck, the Pokemon Gen 1 and 2 re-releases on 3DS were just that - emulations without multiplayer. BUT the MMBN Legacy Collection is infinitely better - it's a full source port of all the original games; ALL the original content is included, even content cut in localization for outside Japan and even Japan-only live-event-only content; hell they even _added_ content by adding _online play_ with even more online modes than the original games.


The thing about this series is that, it's transcended time via narrative and gameplay, this game was a real time action rpg on a 2003 handheld. I don't necessarily want a mmnb7, but I'd dig a new IP from this timeline with the improvements to design and narrative that StarForce made.


Honestly when this was only on gameboy I wanted nothing more than to actually battle others across the world, I'm hyped I get this chance years later and I hope to battle as many of the MMBN fans as possible✌


I've been dreaming about this Legacy Collection since the day the classic Mega Man collection came out. When I got the first chance I pre-ordered the Steam version and can't wait until April to finally be able to play and trade online. It is really a dream come true.


Yeah not wanting to buy a re release is valid, but I will always be annoyed by people saying "roms exist so these ports are pointless." For gods sake not everyone has access or even want to use roms, people who uses roms are only a small part of players. Official ports are so important for a majority of a fan base to have access to said product.


My argument for game collections is as a person who may not have played the series at all. Having a collection that makes getting the games easy because it's one page and one purchase and also usually comes at a good discount. I never got to play the original ac games as a kid and the release of the collection got me to play it which expands the overall reach the content had to begin with making more content easier to pitch to investors.


How dare you provide a voice of reason and encourage moderation. But seriously though, thanks for making this -- you convinced me to buy the legacy collection when up until this point I've been on the fence about it.

I have all the games on various emulators and played through them a bunch over the last few years. I've gotten so used to the conveniences of emulation (being able to speed through lengthy dialogue in particular) I wasn't sure if I'd like the standard experience any more. $60 is a lot, but for me it's honestly a pretty small price to pay for all of the hours I've willingly poured into this franchise.

Oh, and I'll definitely be getting it for the Switch.


It's one thing for them to port a game millions of times the same way every time, which Capcom usually does but MMBN hasn't been ported that often (especially outside of Japan, where OSS wasn't released) and a genuine effort went into this collection. I do wonder if the online battles will have rollback netcode though.


As someone who only saw some episodes of NT warrior, loves the art style, played with some of the toys, but never the games.... this collection is the best thing to happen, it definitely allows new fans to get into the series
I even plan on making a remix of the main theme to show more support to the franchise


I just hope this just lead to a star force/legends collection called something like mega man future collection.


What stands out for me is the online gameplay. PvP, trading, etc. If Capcom takes this seriously, we may see a start of potential e-Sports competitions out of this. Imagine N1 GP getting a mainstream push.


I completely disagree.
The naysayers are objectively wrong and their arguments sound like ones you'd hear from fake fans.
The fact the games are seeing all the cut content be included, the scripts retranslated and many bugs fixed makes them factually wrong to say there is not really a reason to not just emulate or play the GBA carts, or that these are lazy ports.
I don't usually support exclusion, but the community will be better without such grifters and posers spewing their poison in the wells. Discussion and debate is cool and healthy, toxicity and melodramatics aren't.
You can wish more was done or the filters were better, but not claim this is a lazy port job.


I am definitely hyped for the Legacy Collection. I already pre-ordered it for PS4/PS5


Been hyped for this ever since I saw the launch trailer! Got my copies preordered for day 1!


There will always be people happy about things like this, and vice versa. What only matters is what you as an individual want. Same goes for what Capcom as a company wants to do.


XBOX getting a release so late after the initial release? Hmmm 🤔 ...nah, I don't see it happening. Knowing CAPCOM and their track record iirc (and have some friends that work there) they don't do that, they just stick to their guns and move to the next project.
I do think it's funny that people are calling it a "cash grab" now when they are putting SO MUCH EFFORT into this one

6:22 - 6:27 About those posts...

1st post: was a light joke with a dash of truth a 2nd EXE collection would be awesome

2nd post: was owning a hater because that person hated the fact that legends was not the one announced with a funny GIF (from fresh Prince of bel air)
was totally justified 🤣
Don't know who wrote that comment at 6:19 but the person ain't wrong either 😂 because games in UK is £49.99 or so tops before the price hike and people reselling stuff at extortionate prices. (PC's are expensive) It was brutally honest and I rate that person for that.

Least I made a cameo in your videos in some shape or form 😊

Nice vid still.


One thing I wish we had was a guide to how to play online pvp, strategies and how to use chips properly. That's something that isn't taught in the game itself sadly.


I was planning to get the BNLC when the first trailer dropped, but I;d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little disappointed
Even after we got another trailer, all they said was “there’s going to be online” which I already expected
But then we found out they’re redesigning certain areas, fixing glitches, possibly redoing the translation, AND there’s gonna be ranked battles
That got me hyped, I really wish they announced all that sooner
But I am very excited, and I’ll be playing it on the Switch
