Elasticsearch 101 | Elasticsearch tutorial for beginners | elastic stack tutorial | elk stack

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Hi Guys
Welcome to elasticsearch 101 , elasticsearch tutorial for beginners; In this elastic stack tutorial i will show you how to install and configure elk stack and its main components elasticsearch logstash kibana.

00:00 Welcome
00:38 Index
01:36 SQL vs NoSQL
06:02 elasticsearch architecture - overview of different components of elk stack
09:47 Lab setup
35:35 elasticsearch installation - install elasticsearch on debian linux
44:03 kibana tutorial - getting some data into our cluster using kibana integration
57:01 Apache web server installation
59:03 Beats tutorial
59:04 Metricbeat Installation
01:19:21 Filebeat Installation
01:41:37 Auditbeat Installation
01:58:28 Heartbeat Installation
02:10:06 Packetbeat Installation
02:19:20 elasticsearch installation - multinode cluster
02:45:47 elasticsearch installation - v8.x

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Hi, what is the reason Elastic is for production using/recommends cluster of 3 nodes and not only 2? Is it only that if one node fails you have not functionall cluster anymore, so you have to lets say fix it fast so you dont have single point of failure? Thx for the reply. Very good videos.


it is very useful. What about logstash install/config
