The strange history of the Mac Pro

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Do you think we'll get another Mac Pro?

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Small correction: the 2023 Mac Pro is actually referred to as 18, 4.
Thanks to Adrian for pointing that out on Patreon.
Correction 2!
The first Mac Pro was only the first 64-bit INTEL machine. The first 64-bit Mac was the G5.


The current mac pro has to he the biggest waste of time in the entire lineups history. Hell even the Powermacs of old had removable CPUs and expansion slots that weren't bordeline useless... My friend collects these things and he gave me a 5, 1 pro with an rx 580 and I personally upgraded the CPU to 6c12t and RAM to 32 gb. Goes to show how replaceability and upgradeability can make literal decades old device still extremely usable after all this time. The current pro is destined for the bin once it starts showing its age...


0:50 first 64-bit?

PowerPC G5: Do I mean nothing to you?


The Trashcan / Cylinder stil baffles me. It should have never left the design stage. Apple should have updated the cheesegrater with newer hardware throughout the years.


Well done and very informative. You filled in some gaps for me.


man this sure is a good video (i do not own a single mac pro)


very detailed video
keeping my 5, 1 forever


The G5 was the first 64bit apple computer


Having owned 1x PowerMac G5 and then 4x “Cheesegrater” Mac Pros - it really is disappointing to see how the current iteration Mac Pro is really just a Mac Studio in an excessively large case with an even more niche use case than the previously existing niche of Mac Pro.

My last Mac Pro (4/5, 1) was edged out for many years until being retired in mid-2022.

I miss the old days! Truly!


0:36 *Just* 2.0 GHz? This was the hot sh*t back then. ;)


My 2009 and 2012 cMP still live ... 2009 as my server and NAS backup.... and my 2012 media center and NAS for my MacBook Pro16 M3 Max My Powermac G5 dual is my Morph OS system :D


The cheesegrater from 2009 was the best Mac I ever bought in more than 30 years. I still use this Mac after 15 years. I love its upgradeability and expandability.


I had a Mac Pro 4, 1 Flashed to 5, 1 and I loved it, upgraded it with an RX560, USB 3.0 PCIe card and 32GB RAM - it ran Mac OS Mojave and Windows 10 and I used it for music production. It's a shame it never had USB 3.0 or SATA 3.0 and took a while to turn on. I eventually sold it for a broken Mac Pro 1, 1 which I gutted and built a Hackintosh inside since the tower looked so good with my setup


I wonder if they regret not calling the 2013 a Mac Studio.


Its beyond stupid they just don't team up with AMD to allow their GPUs to go into the M2 processor series...


1:18... for a brief second I though I was looking at someones kitchen... lol, the inside of the G5 looks like one... with the frige on the left, the sink, range and the oven with the open door lol and cabinets above.


I am curious, if there will be a new Mac Pro with maybe a "Quad"- or "Octa"--SoC-combination. If..., it would probably mainly for image reasons to also be present in the small Extreme-Pro market like Universal Studios and Walt Disney. But as an computer engineer, I would love to hear about it.


Ayyy! So glad to see more history vids, now how about a PowerPC video :)


huge problem for Mac Pro 14, 8 (2023), Apple’s problem here is on how to low latency between CPU, NPU, RAM with the GPU being external, and they would prefer to not have its own VRAM? Or maybe they’re targeting for higher performance SoC but can’t ship it in time due to manufacturing defects (harder to manufacture larger than M2 ultra that time)? Or they’ll do a 1-2 transition phase for Mac Pro (1st apple silicon gen being almost the same, then redesign on 2nd gen, like MacBook Air/Pro)?


this is a very interesting report We startet with the G5 and then all the following models in our studio. And today no one can imagine that we made filmscanning and DVD production on those machines 15 years ago. Today I am wondering how we didi this. It took time and our still running Mac Pro 3.1 ( System 10.9 ) is only for capturing Video with a Aja IO HD Box. Rendering no way, this is done with new machines. And at the time we had 4 Mac Pros running a t the same time, we needed no heating during the winter time
