Prepper Pantry Tour | Emergency Food Stockpile

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Welcome to my channel y'all! If you’re new here thanks for stopping by! If you’ve been here before, thank you for returning. Today’s video is my Prepper Pantry Tour. I’m pretty new to prepping since I just started my prepping journey in August 2020. Prepping, in my opinion, should not be overwhelming. Do what your able to do financially, even if takes you awhile. Don't ever feel like you have to run out and buy everything at once. Keep in mind that it's better to have a little extra then to have no extra. If you enjoy this kind of content, please make sure to give this video a thumbs up. I would also love for you to take a second to subscribe to my channel. Also, make sure to hit the notification bell so that you can be notified each time I upload. Thank you so much for taking the time to watch my video.

*** This video is intended for adult viewers only***

#prepperpantry #emergencystockpile #foodprep

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Leaving a link for Part 1 of the pantry tour just in case you missed it. Thanks so much for taking the time to watch.


If cereal goes stale, you can crisp it back up in a low oven. Same for pretzels, crackers, potato chips, etc.


I love seeing smart, self reliant young women taking care of their family! If we don't do it, who will? You're a great mom.


thought the thumbnail was a pic of a lil grocery store! I’m impressed! Your family is so blessed to have you! Now I’m like “ok girl u gotta step up your game... cause your girl Appolonia has a grocery store in her house!” Take care!💖


Great Job! I’m 60 and been prepping for 20 years. I just bought a canner this year and canned a pork and beef roast yesterday. Never too old to learn. Very proud of you as a young mom to do this for your family. Wish more would prepare, including my son. Way to go!!


It's about survival not trying to worry if anyone likes what you buy or's about making sure your kids and family eat..when stores run out of foods ..very well done safe out there


That hanging shoe organizer is SO SMART! Thank you for the tour!


Put your yeast in the freezer, it will stay fresh for years. Your storage looks great!


There's been a few people made fun of me for buying extra, but I know there might be coming a time when we need it


We have to feed our families. It's not like we can feed them beef Wellington during a pandemic and depression. We have to get what we can store. When it gets bad, those saying something about our choices of foods may wish they had canned foods. Sorry, but I see comments like that too and it upsets me. You're doing great sweetheart! Keep doing what you're doing! So proud of you. My daughter certainly doesn't worry about feeding hers. I do though and that's why I do it. I have to be their mom. And it beats starving and better to have something else to keep from eating rice daily.

Ok now, where's the hot sauce?!? 😂🤣


To me, it is so beautiful!! I have OCD and all of that organization is very impressive!! 😂🤩. It really makes me aware of how small ours is!! Great job!! 😊😊. I need to go to the store! 😂


You may want to move the ketchup away from the window. Over time ketchup turns brown and changes flavor slightly. I believe light speeds that up.


People may criticize you about some canned things being this or being that but in a grid down scenario they would wish they had anything when their starving so do what you think is best.


Best use for one of those over the door shoe holders I've ever seen.


People can complain about unhealthy food all they want but in a food shortage etc, just having food is all that matters to me


I scanned over some comments and didn't see it, you prob already know this by now...but an oxygen absorber doesn't always shrink the mylar bags . I wish they did! They say sometimes it just absorbs the oxygen but not the nitrogen other gases, which is perfectly fine 😊


Once you learn to make your own soups and can it, it’s life changing.


It is so nice to see more women, getting into preparing, we are finally at 5% of the population!


Oh my goodness! I have OCD and this is the most beautiful pantry I've ever seen. If I had it, I would have to go sit with it every once in a while😆. What a great job you've done!


Great to stumble on your video. My wife thought I was a little crazy, then covid hit. We live in Northeastern China. Covid hit HARD up there, but we were good. I will share your videos with her. Thanks!
