Why 'this' is the Best Feature of JavaScript (Mastering JS 'this' Keyword)

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Master JavaScript ES6: This Keyword

The Only JavaScript video series you NEED to Learn JavaScript – Learn JavaScript by doing.If you want to become a front-end developer or a full stack developer, you must learn JavaScript, This programming language (JavaScript) is used by every giant web applications, like Facebook, Receiving messages in real time, notifications, loading new content without having to refresh the page, well this is done with JavaScript, It is used in google maps, gmail, believe me, JavaScript is everywhere. You can even make games with JavaScript, like the games you see on the browser! And also, JavaScript is not just limited to the web browser, It also runs on the server using NodeJS,

So you can create a complete website from front end to back end with just JavaScript,

And if you think this is too much for JavaScript,

Well it is not, you can even create desktop applications using JavaScript.

This course is about JavaScript the programming language, in this course you will not learn about frameworks like JQuery or React,

this course will teach everything you need to know about vanilla JavaScript,

I see lot of web developers avoid using vanilla JavaScript, that's because they don't have a solid foundation, they just use libraries and don't even know how these JavaScript libraries are created,

The creators of famous JavaScript libraries are not from planet mars, if they could create a great JavaScript library, I believe you can do it to,

and in this course, you will learn EVERYTHING about JavaScript,

every line of code we write in this course will be just vanilla JavaScript, we will start off with the basics then move to really advanced concepts,

****here's what you will learn in this course*****:

===================JAVASCRPT BASICS ===============
01. Introduction to JavaScript
02. Variables And Data Types - Part 1
03. Variables And Data Types - Part 2
04. Operators
05. Comparison operators
06. Type Coercion
07. Conditional Statement - Part 1
08. Conditional Statement - Part 2
09. Coding Task 1
10. Functions - Part 1
11. Functions - Part 2
12. Array - Part 1
13. Array - Part 2
14. Objects - Part 1
15. Objects - Part 2
16. Loops - Part 1
17. Loops - Part 2
18. Date Object
19. Digital Clock Project
20. Coding Task 2

=============JAVASCRPT BEHIND THE SCENES===============
21. Introduction Of Syntax Parser, Lexical Scope, Execution Context
22. Execution Context
23. Scope and Scope Chain
24. Hoisting
25. Objects vrs Primitives
26. This Keyword

============ DOCUMENT OBJECT MODEL ===============
27. Introduction to DOM
28. Note Manager App (Intro)
29. querySelector('selector')
30. getElementsByClassName('class'), getElementsByTagName('tag')
31. querySelectorAll('selector')
32. Styling Elements using Javascript
33. Event, addEventListener, Event Object - Part 1
34. Event, addEventListener, Event Object - Part 2
35. Working with Elements attribute in Javascript
36. DOM Navigation
37. DOM Manipulation
38. Coding Task 3

================= ADVANCE JAVASCRIPT =================
39. Advance JavaScript Intro
40. Object Creation
41. Function Constructor
42. Prototype - Part 1
43. Prototype - Part 2
46. First-Class Functions - Part 1
47. First-Class Functions - Part 2
48. Immediately Invoked Function Expression(IIFE)
49. Closure
50. CALL(), APPLY(), BIND()
51. Project - Quiz Application
52. ECMAScript2015 (ES6) Introduction
53. Array Helper Methods
54. Let/Const Variable Declarations
55. Template String
56. Arrow Functions - Part 1
57. Arrow Functions - Part 2
58. Arrays In ES6
59. Default Parameters
60. Spread Operator
61. Rest Parameter
62. Destructuring
63. Map and Set
64. Classes
65. JavaScript Interview Questions

This full JavaScript course will enables you to become JavaScript expert, and it contains code task to challenge your competence of what you will learn in this course, so you will be learning and challenging your skills at the same time, you must practice to learn, that's the rule to master anything in life, I will also teach you how to become a self-taught developer, how to look for answers when you get stuck …!

If you're a beginner, this course is for you, if you are an experienced developer, this course is also for you, I mean you will learn things even experienced developers don't know!

So are you ready to learn this awesome programming language?

I hope you are! See you soon!
Who is the target audience?

Anyone who wants to master JavaScript the programming language
Anyone who wants to have a solid foundation of JavaScript
Anyone who wants to master JavaScript Arrays
Anyone who wants to master JavaScript Objects
Anyone who wants to master JavaScript Functions
Anyone who wants to know how JavaScript libraries are created with Vanilla JS code
Anyone who wants to take his/her JavaScript skills to the next level


Basic HTML
Basic CSS
A computer and some motivation
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