Cam's Spyder Turbo 160 Yard 5-shot group

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I love this guy's attitude. His emphasis on confidence and discipline is great.


Shot 140 and 150 for the first time ever today. Hit a 6” plate 1 of 3 times at 140 and the same at 150. These distances really puts your form in check. Good shooting there man.


Literally just started compound bow yesterday. Went into the raspberry zone 3x, that was fun. Watching Cam's form is mesmerizing. I will be practicing daily until I can achieve this.


For those confused about his comments on MOA. MOA (Minute of Angle) is an angular measurement based off 1
/60th of one degree. AKA Minute of Arc. It doesn't change because you are shooting a bow. The archers Minute of Angle is a simple short hand for describing accuracy based on distance to your target. 1" at 10 yards, 2" at 20, 3" at 30, etc. This is actually 10 MOA they just call it 1 MOA for simplicity sake. As long as you understand one is an actual measurement and one is slang for how accurate you should be, call it whatever you like.


That half second before the release on each shot - you can almost see what a perfect moment of Zen looks like. Holy shit man.... phenomenal.


The most important part of the video for me was that last 30 seconds. As a Marine Sniper I always used D.O.P.E. or Data On Previous Engagements. We used a kestral to record elevation, temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed, wind direction, the ammo used, the number of shots through that barrel, the method used to clean the bore of the rifle, angle to target if it was steep, and more importantly, the actual scope settings. Then, when it was go time, we had all of this D.O.P.E. that we could reference. It takes 5 minutes to do but can be the difference in a hit or a 10 yard miss at 1k yards. Seems to be the same deal for archery. I guess I will need to start recording again. Thanks Cam


I was excited to be shooting 70 yards today....


Incredible shooting. I just started archery about a month ago and ten yards is what I practice . One hundred sixty yards is unbelievable


I know this video is a little old but its content is so inspirational. I had no idea who Cameron Hanes was until the Joe Rogan podcast introduced me to him. All of a sudden I've been dying to purchase a bow and understand more about hunting. I currently run pretty often and seeing the way this guy trains is just awesome. Kudos to you Mr. Hanes. Kudos to you...


The arrows are released at only a 5 to 10 degree angle so no they shouldn't be on a heavy angle when they hit the target. There will always be haters. Hell of an archer.


3:46 that arm... This dude's a beast.


I shoot the same bow with the fast Eddie single pin and I just love it. I could not believe how accurate I was straight off the bat. You helped motivate me Cam thanks bro


This is fucking incredible. I need to re-evaluate my archery skills.


Here’s me shooting 15yard barebow about to make the leap to compound 😂 got the bow, now just saving for the extras and waiting for the sight to arrive from USA to u.k. got a lot of catching up to do!!!
Can’t wait.
I know your good cos you make it look easy.
Read your book and it got me running again, now I need to get on the lifting and shooting.
Thanks for the inspiration 👍


I regularly shoot 100-120 but a five shot group at your the man ! I shot a new Spyder Turbo this last week at the range and I gotta say this : doesn't matter target or hunting you just can't get better when you get one of these dialed. I ordered my new one just last week and look forward to working with it all this next year and plan on taking it Elk Hunting next fall. Still using my PSE this season and filled my Bull tag already now just have 2 deer tags left to fill a Mule Deer Buck Only tag and one Any Deer that I am going to use on a older Whitetail Doe.
Good to see you shoot Cam.


I don't think I could even SEE the target from there!


That bow arm you could build a brick house on, keep it up Cam.


Some people don’t understand what it takes to achieve this distance. Takes 80 pounds on a wicked fast bow, probably not achievable with short draw, need light arrows, sight that allows for the housing clearance, peep adjustment to see the housing while it’s ran down that far, and form perfection. To even hit that deer at that distance….. absolutely crazy the amount of effort and skill. I shoot 6in groups at 70, and that’s my Hoyt nitrum 30 at 27in draw, 60 pounds maxed out sight tape and 426 grain arrows. Cam is insane.


I've been watching Cam for years, he should be a Marvel character for sure


Holy cow! You make it look easy. Them Thor arms Vut most of all, skill and excellent gear. That is whiaper quiet and so smooth!
