Take Back Your Whole Power / Energetically Programmed Audio / Maitreya Reiki™

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Boosted Digital Mandala:

This video has been created according to the beliefs and principles of the Maitreya Reiki™ System of Spiritual Healing.

Introducing Take Back Your Whole Power, a Maitreya Reiki™ energetically programmed audio designed to reclaim your energy that has been extended to others, pets, and places throughout your current life as well as past lifetimes. This unique audio harnesses the concept that time is not linear but interconnected; by addressing and rectifying energy exchanges from the past in the present moment, you simultaneously influence and reshape your future.

How It Functions:

This audio program is crafted to communicate with your aura, energy system, and body, providing them with the energetic information necessary to initiate the process of reclaiming your dispersed energy. It operates on the foundational belief that you possess the innate capability to heal and transform your energy state, guided by the principles of Maitreya Reiki™ and the understanding of time's non-linear nature.

Reclaiming Energy: The energetic field embedded within this audio is designed to navigate through various dimensions of time—your current life and past lives—to identify and retrieve energy that belongs to you but has been left with other people, pets, and places. This process restores a sense of completeness and personal power.

Transforming the Past, Present, and Future: By engaging with this audio, you're not merely altering memories or past experiences; you're energetically reconfiguring your existence across time. This act of reclaiming energy from the past has the profound effect of transforming your present self and, consequently, reshaping your future path.

Empowerment Through Energy Recovery: The primary aim is to empower you by restoring your wholeness and energy sovereignty. This restoration fosters a deeper connection with your true self, enhancing your ability to manifest your desires and navigate life with renewed clarity and purpose.

User Experience:

As you immerse yourself in Take Back Your Whole Power, you embark on a profound journey of energetic rejuvenation and self-discovery. This audio is an invitation to tap into your natural self-healing abilities, allowing you to recover and reintegrate fragments of your energy that have been scattered across time and space.

Key Considerations:

Regular listening can deepen and solidify the energetic benefits, promoting continuous growth and self-empowerment.

The experience of reclaiming one's energy can be unique to each individual, reflecting personal histories, energies, and receptivity to the process.

Take Back Your Whole Power represents an innovative approach to spiritual wellness and energy management, offering you the tools to not only recover what is rightfully yours but also to understand the interconnectedness of your existence across time. By reclaiming your energy and harnessing the principles of Maitreya Reiki™, you set the stage for a future where you are the complete master of your energy and destiny.


Maitreya Fields is the Originator of the Maitreya Reiki™ System of Spiritual Healing. All our videos and other products are energetically programmed by Maitreya through a deep meditative state with Divine Energy, used in Maitreya Reiki™ for spiritual healing purposes. All views expressed in this description are spiritual and based on the beliefs and premises of the Maitreya Reiki™ System of Spiritual Healing.

Please be aware that the effects of Divine Energy healing and energetic programming through meditation are based on belief and have not been proven by scientific research. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any condition. If you need medical help, please contact your healthcare provider. This product is designed with the purpose of integrating the principles of balance and well-being associated with Divine Energy healing and the energetic programming utilized by Maitreya Fields.

Рекомендации по теме

This music really helped me a lot. Today, when I started listening to this I feel like myself again 100%!❤


Just came of age and Im trying to get used to the idea of owning my own body and mind. When you live in a controlling environment you tend to give your power away by trying to gain it in other areas. At first I felt resistance to this field, and it made me realize that I am *willingly* giving my power away, to a lot of people/ things. And I continue to let it happen because it's comfortable and subcontiously justified in a way. No more, today I take 100 percent responsibility for the way I act and use my energy.


I receive my abundant blessings to my beauty my body my health my finances my career my energy & my image & reputation & connections . Renewal . Now.


This is everything a healer needed. Thank you thank you thank you. May your cup continue to overflow 🙏


Im taking back my energy from all toxic people and my exes


Thank Taking back all my power from users LIARS and allpeople who mean me harm. NOW!!!+❤❤❤


Time to come back home and know myself again..❤Thank you my amazing friend as older we get we see how much we lost in the process of life and dealing with others..🥺🍀🤗


I take all my energy and power and time 10 x folds🎉😊


Im in that work of rerurning my Energy from other people that continiously drained me... Many thanks!!!


Womb purification is essential whether u given your body to someone or not we hold all negative experiences down there it is our power u will remember yourself after!


Your page is the best existing on the internet. Thank you unbelievably much for your effort! I feel whole. And yes I have been researching for a while …


Thank You. Receiving all my Powers back. God Bless


This is exactly what spirit told me through a tarot reading last week, “you need to take back your power” and this is exactly what I’m doing ❤ tysm


Every cell in my body is vibrating like a symphony of harp music touching the very recess of my being.. thank you unconditional love and gratitude ❤


i re-claim all my energy back from those evil doiers who stoled it from me !! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🙏🙏🙏🤬🙏💜💜💜💜


Thank you so much for the beautiful gift and all the love and work you channel into these healing sessions. Infinite blessings and healing love to all!


Taking my Power Back and learning to laugh again!! 💖


I take back my energy that has been stolen from people and my path i claim it


Does this combine your old fields? I mean Cutting Cords, Soul Fragments and Release Vows. I'm trying to shorten my playlist and I consider these three extremely important. Please advise, Maitreya. Thank you!


