Simcha Jacobovici | The Lost Gospel

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Naked archaeologist Simcha Jacobovici unpacks his theories about Mary Magdalene, Jesus and what has been named ‘The Lost Gospel.’

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I could sit and listen to Simcha everyday. His joyous spirit is contagious.


We Care Simcha, thank you and the team. Love, light, joy and blessings always to everyone.


He makes such a good point. No one is looking for the truth. Their moms and church tell them this thing, they look up some verses on google and say I know everything I need. They don’t look for the truth. To look for the truth is to never stop. Stopping means you stop learning the truth.


Love this guy ..
He's so simplistic in his idea's.
History is there for all of us ..
Unfortunately we have certain people or individuals who don't want to see the truth ..and try to say it's fake news..
Let's all try to be open and see the truth for what it is ..


It is my understanding that there are many gnostic gospels that report many things that are different from the common gospels, this sounds like just another one. The authenticity of anything from the 5th century is always in question as any archaeologist would know and should expect. Peer review is essential.


You know... I find it interesting that Simcha says he "doesn't want to offend anyone" but there is a clear difference in how he approaches Jewish and Christian history. In his shows he tends to accept Jewish orthodoxy and in his archeology he supports that Jewish orthodoxy. However, when it comes to Christianity he usually takes a skeptical or non-orthodox stance most of the time. It's almost like he has a copy of the Babylonian Talmud right next to him when he tries to dive into early Christian history. It's a pretty clear pattern and I really wish Simcha was more transparent about the bias before he claims that he "doesn't want to offend anyone."


Simcha Jacobvi, all of Afghanistan and those Kashmiris who live on the border of Afghanistan call themselves 'Bani Israel, ' which means  'Children of Israel.' And they also say they are the lost tribe of Israel who converted to Islam. There are graves in Kashmir facing east to west which was a jewish custom, despite the fact they were muslims. Many years ago the Kashmiris did not do any work on Saturdays' saying it was their rest day.  Only awhile ago i found this video and Iagree with everthing you said  Keep up the good work.


Holy shit! I thought Simka disappeared off the face of the Earth. I should look at Canadian TV more. My hero archeologist is still kickin'. It made my day. Thanks for broadcasting this. I subscribed and liked!


Simcha Jacobvici is my favorite, I’ve been watching almost all the videos.And watching it adds my knowledge as a Christian.


Who else is doing much research about this online during lockdown


Am I the only one here who recalls the messages given to us in the Bible about the end times? The mystery of God shall be revealed in the end, and there will be many ANTICHRISTS coming as wolves in sheep’s clothing. Perverting Gods word attempting to fuse ideas together in order to create your own theories and pawn them off as truth. Here me people. Be not deceived. God is not mocked. Just as the Israelites complained at Sinai and were punished. God is HOLY. He has a purpose for this man as well.


There were several Gnostic Gospels written in Syriac. In fact, several of them made there way into the Quran. These are fables, which were made up well after the first century by people who were Hollywoodizing popular stories and not documenting historical events. It would be like taking tales like The Hobbit or Harry Potter and trying to read history into them. When you read the New Testament gospels, you get the sense that they are describing real people and actual events. Nobody believes that Jesus, when he was a kid, killed other kids for laughing at him but the Infancy Gospel of Thomas writes about it (and the story made its way into the Quran). Nobody believes the Gnostic Gospels except those who refuse to believe in the actual risen Savior.


So sad to see so many believing this crap.
When a book that came 400 years after the gospels, has more credibility than the gospels, is very revealing how many lack the understanding of the gospels.
However, this opened my eyes and now I understand how abgreat falling away could come as prophesied in revelation.

People are just itching to hear everything but the truth.
It is a shame to see that so many are not bothered by the fact that he admitted to substituting the characters in the book with Jesus and Mary Magdalene, in order to create a new story.
This is straight up heresy, and shame on all those that depart from the word of God and choose to believe something that is literally made up.


Did I miss something? Did they tell WHERE this manuscript was found? They did say it was written only in monasteries and only in Syriac. But where did it come from?


Very interesting presentation, I'll need to listen to more of Simcha!


But Jesus live today why I have seeing him hearing him Even a smell of heavenly floker he gave mee in my living Room nothing on this erth smell as beautiful as the parfyme he gave mee. And people still do not belive but my fhait is Great I cnow Who I am and I want Jesus to bee more praysed by belivers Who live and I am not Christian I am a beliver and bourn again by his presios blood his blood is the only way to heaven since plee his blood make satan run away and No demons dear coming near us Amen


Revealing the true symbol of the star of david
The lion of judah is coming and he no longer a lamb


Pride/boastfulness comes before a fall - be humble Simcha and don't claim to be all knowing - such is the illusion of fame!


A Jew can find Jesus Yeshua in Isaiah chapter 53.


I started watching Simchas "Naked Arceology" years ago, he has a way of bringing people together, I think it is because he uses the Bible as his map, I have read the New Testament but learned some neat things here on youtube and Thanks Simcha for teaching a Christian more possibilitys, I hope to find Jesus soon too
