Blender Tutorial: Duplicate Objects Around A Circle (2020)

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When you're modeling in Blender, it's quite common to need to duplicate multiple instances of the same object around a circle. You can do this manually, but it's a very fiddly process. This video shows you the standard method to quickly duplicate objects around a central point in Blender.

There are a few other videos covering this topic on YouTube, but most of the ones I've seen aren't great quality (no audio etc).

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Blender needs to simplify stuff like this. It shouldn't take this many steps to do a simple rotational array.


New title: How to make a satanic monkey ritual in blender


It is worth noting that this method ONLY works on meshes that have had no transformations applied to them. When I tried this on any mesh that had been scaled in any direction, I ended up with a spiral of ever-smaller objects.


This was not working for me. I did not realize I needed to apply my objects rotation and scale, and location - which by doing solved my issues. Posting for anyone else scratching their heads. Thank you for this great tutorial! After resolving my issues, I feel great. <3


The way i usualy do this is in object mode set pivot point to 3D cursor. Then duplicate the object and directly rotate it around the center for example 10 degrees. Then i use Shift+R to repeat the action until I have a full circle. After that CTRL+J to join everything together. It's not as procedural but it gets the work done faster.


this saved me from going cross eyed looking at the grid for 30 minutes to zipping copys in 10 minutes. thank you so much for putting up this tutorial! <3


omg, thank you so much for this. I'm placing tiles on a wizard-like tower and was pulling my hair out. An array on a curve kept scaling the objects as the curves got tighter, but this is exactly what I needed to do. Sub'ed as well. Amazing content!


Coming from CAD software, this is ridiculously non-intuitive. Thanks for the video!


Great technique...much.much simpler than trying to control an array with circle modifier.However would like to add that since Blender can take math operations in number fields you can really choose any number of array, in 3.12min under Z transform you just have to type "360/X" being X the array number of duplicates. One more note:: you have to apply scales and rotation first.Both on Empty and object (you you usually scale empties)


That thumbnail is not disturbing at all.. :D
Great video! I use this method myself a lot. I always try to do everything as non-destructive as possible sometimes figuring things out way too long.. :D


Setting the object's origin to the 3D cursor is exactly what I was looking for. After that, I simply need to duplicate and rotate around Z-axis - thanks!


damn, i was trying to do this the other day, and couldn't figure out how to use the array mod properly for this case, thanks so much for the tutorial!


Thank you for pointing our that it has to be in "edit mode" to move or scale the mesh XD.
Cuz i had struggles scaling it or moving it evenly and didnt use this modifier frequently XD.
Now i know this is alot of potential!!


I've noticed there is that one toxic dude is watching all the most recent blender videos and disliking it ;) Poor creature... As for you, Decoded, it's a what? - Right! A SOLID like, as always ;D


So this works for everybody else except me? Great.


array is so dependent on everything being the right size shape and place, realize you're a little bit out on something, the diameter or height or scale, go to alter it and everything is all over the place, spirals up to the sky and all sorts. duplicate rotate and repeat is much less bother.


I think something has changed with array, it doesn't seem to work, something with blenders origin orientation is broken


It’s not always desirable to change the origin of the mesh in this way. There is another technique.

* Position the monkey mesh where you want it to go, in Object mode rather than Edit mode.
* Snap the 3D cursor to the mesh.
* Create the Empty at the 3D cursor. This way, it (initially) shares the same origin as the mesh.
* Set up the array modifier with the Object Offset set to the Empty, as in your example. Since the mesh and the empty share the same origin, you should see no additional copies appear as yet.
* Position the 3D cursor at the desired rotation point.
* Set the Transformation pivot point to the cursor.
* Now rotate the Empty by the desired amount (20°, in your example).
* Ta-ra! You get the same effect as in your example.

If you select both the mesh and the Empty, you can use translations and rotations to move the whole array around without distorting its shape. You can even alter the radius of the circle with GKEY-YKEY-YKEY.


Excellent, Thank you. I always seem to get the steps wrong.


I was trying to follow along here, but string a row of blocks around a kidney-shaped desk, but it's not working. Maybe you could make a video on how to do it around an object using the latest version of Blender?
